Catch Up Time.

by slugga 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slugga

    Since I left the "Truth" a couple of things have changed in the teachings back down at the KH, notably the generation thing and the whole Kings of the North and Kings of the South thing.

    Now I really really don't want to have to push that "gimme a bible study" button on so can someone here explain to me how they got around changing the generation thing and what does the generation refer to now and Who are the kings of the north and south this week?

    Please no religious vultures, I just want the official dub line.

    And no claiming time if you're still active

  • ballistic

    The generation thing...

    Well basically they got rid of it.

    All through the "ages" there has been speculation about how long "the generation" was. The generation being the generation that saw the beginning of the "last days", supposedly 1914.

    It got to the stage where the society promoted the idea that to see the events in 1914 and understand them, you would have to at least be a teenager - this is the extent of their wishfull thinking.

    Then to prepare the flock for the fact the end wasn't as imminent as they expected, they dropped the teaching in the November 1, 1995 Watchtower magazine.

  • ballistic
  • greendawn

    They had no choice but to drop the 1914 generation doctrine because time overstretched even their most elastic definition of a generation. They eventually reached the point where they claimed that even if you were a new born infant in 1914 you were part of the generation that witnessed the events (can infants be called witnesses, can they understand anything). However 1994 came 80 years passed and nothing happened so they had to change that doctrine since to them a generation is up to 80 years maximum. It ended in 1994 so they tried to get out by claiming that Jesus meant a symbolic generation which.... can be centuries long.

  • Clam

    Ooh good link Ballistic, never seen that before and love the clipart in the top left, LOL. That could be Blondie.

    I've also been out for years and although I've seen the generation explanation change with age, I hadn't realised that the Kings of North and South had also changed, so I'd be very interested to see that too.

    I saw a link someone else gave me this morning which had a book " Catholicism for Dummies". Maybe there should be a "Jehovah's Witnesses for Dummies". It would be a laugh putting that together.

  • slugga

    Thanks for the link ballistic... Sounds a bit of a cop out to be honest though.

    Anyone wanna identify the kings and the north and south though.

  • Legolas
    Anyone wanna identify the kings and the north and south though.

    I didn't know that they changed it or said who they were!

  • unclebruce

    I know the truth makes you sick slugga so I'm studying the official Watchtower site for ya. OK?

    Clown of the South, go'n back in.

    PS: Took me all night to wash that pumpkin vomit off! === So you like Daniel eh? I'm more of a revelation man myself. O LOOK! Bruther Slugga .. Here's Daniel I'll cut/paste and highlight his important bits:

    “Look! There will yet be three kings standing up for Persia, and the fourth one will amass greater riches than all [others]. And as soon as he has become strong in his riches, he will rouse up everything against the kingdom of Greece. he was divided toward the four winds of the heavens, , and the very daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north in order to make an equitable arrangement. And one from the sprout of her roots will certainly stand up in his position,... “Now as for his sons, they will excite themselves . But he will go back, and he will excite himself all the way to his fortress.

    “And the king of the north will come and throw up ....And as regards the daughter of womankind, it will be granted to him to bring her to ruin. and the king of the south, for his part, will excite himself And the very ones eating his delicacies and remove the constant feature.

    “And they will certainly put in place the disgusting thing and he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things. ; and to the desire of women .

    “And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, .

    “But there will be reports that will disturb him, and he will have to come all the way up his end...

    Geez, slugga you don't think maybe you're the king of the North?

    Thing of the South, unclebruce

  • slugga
    Anyone wanna identify the kings and the north and south though.
    I didn't know that they changed it or said who they were!

    When I was active they believed that the two kings / world powers where the USSR and the British Empire, which included America. Since I left the USSR has crumbled and formed loads of tiny little countries so I assumed that this no longer counts. I just wondered if there had been any "new light" on this matter.

  • slugga

    Geez, slugga you don't think maybe you're the king of the North?

    Thing of the South, unclebruce

    *Applies to Tathra council for planning permission to build a KH on a certain hill next to a certain PINK humpy and asks for special permission to fix external speakers to blast out Kingdom Melodies*

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