Who's studying

by deeskis 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • deeskis

    No I don't mean with a publisher!

    I just got back from a weeks block at uni for the year long certificate course I'm doing by distance education. I'm feeling overwhelmed by the 12 assignments that I have to do, plus the truck road of reading needed.

    So who else is combining, study, work, family (kids, husband, housework) etc etc? Any study tips. I know I spend a lot of time reading etc on here which could probably be spent doing the required course work, but I don't want to do that!

    Whadya reckon?


  • neverin

    Hello Deeskis

    I too am a masochist - I manage a team of 60+ people in my job, have a husband, 2 kids and a house to look after and am studying part time for my degree. I am in my 4th year of 6 so have got my study time just about balanced now. The only advice I can give is to make sure you take the time you need to compelte your assignments and not to keep putting others first. Other than that a little time out that's neither work, family nor study time is the least you deserve.

  • neverin

    Hello Deeskis

    I too am a masochist - I manage a team of 60+ people in my job, have a husband, 2 kids and a house to look after and am studying part time for my degree. I am in my 4th year of 6 so have got my study time just about balanced now. The only advice I can give is to make sure you take the time you need to complete your assignments and not to keep putting others first. Other than that a little time out that's neither work, family nor study time is the least you deserve.

  • greendawn

    Just split up the assignments over time and do them one by one then you will not get to feel overwhelmed and stressed about them. I don't know how organised ppl on that course are but I know some that get together through the internet to exchange ideas and help each other through a forum, chat room, or by IM.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Me too! I'm also on the 4th year of 6 doing a BA.

    It is really difficult doing distance learning to maintain discipline with your time management (i too struggle to stay off JWD!!) I try to set myself at least one hour per day and then make up any lost time on my reading targets and study for the essays on my days off work. I'm probably slightly better off than you guys as I don't have a family around me so my free time is my own.

    Best advice is to try and pace yourself rather than cramming everything in at the last minute - been there, done that, suffered the consequences!

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