Word of the week.......

by AK - Jeff 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    het·er·o·dox·y [hétt?r? dòksee] (plural het·er·o·dox·ies)

    n (formal)
    1. disagreement with established opinions: the condition of being at variance with established or accepted beliefs or theories, especially in the field of religion

    Encarta ® World English Dictionary

    Are you more heterodoxical now, as an apostate, than you were before as a witness? Or less?

  • poppers

    So does that make "homodoxy" a word too? And what would THAT mean, agreeing with established religions?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    So does that make "homodoxy" a word too? And what would THAT mean, agreeing with established religions?


  • stillajwexelder

    And dont forget meterodoxy

  • Calliope

    well, if it means disagreeing with established beliefs such as those held by the secret society of jehwits, then i suppose i am heterodoxical.

    1. disagreement with established opinions: the condition of being at variance with established or accepted beliefs or theories, especially in the field of religion

    but are they established?

    answers.com defines as follows:

    het·er·o·dox (het'?r-?-doks ') pronunciation
    1. Not in agreement with accepted beliefs, especially in church doctrine or dogma.
    2. Holding unorthodox opinions.

    so, it would appear that being an apostate would likely be deemed unorthodox. hence, i recant, i am not heterodixcal.

    thanks for the word of the day. post more.


  • purplesofa

    sounds like a word Terry would use......

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