What is the history of the 1975 prediction? It seems it can trace its origin all the way back to a publication in 1943.
From my Watchtower antique collection, "The Truth Shall Make You Free", chapter "The Count of Time" 1943 edition, page 152:
"From Adams Creation to the Flood was 1,656 years
From the Flood to the Abrahamic covenant was 427 years
From the Abrahamic Covenant to end of B.C. 1 was 1,945 years
From Adams Creation to the end of B.C. 1 was 4,028 years
Thereafter the so-called Anno Domini or A.D. period began. From the beginning of A.D. 1, or Year of the Lord 1, to the beginning of
A.D. 1944 is 1,943 full years, which, being added to the above table, give the time measurement from Adams creation to date:
From Adams creation to the end of B.C. 1 was 4,028 years
From the beginning of A.D. 1 to the end of 1943 is 1,943 years
From Adams creation to the end of 1943 A.D. is 5,971 years.
We are therefore near the end of six thousand years of human history, with conditions upon us and tremendous events at hand foreshadowed by those of Noah's day.-Luke 17:26-30.
So, from my calculations, 1943 plus 29 years to 6000 would be 1972. What number fudging did they do to recalculate that to 1975? Keeping in mind this
book was published in 1943. Was this the very first published prediction by the WTS suggesting Armageddon would be coming sometime in the 1970s????
We usually associate this failed prediction with Fred Franz, but this was way before Franz was a major player in WTS theology.