Armageddon within our life time

by sinis 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sinis

    I was just wondering how Revelations makes no sense (coupled with JW doctrine). If Armageddon/GT is the worst of all times why are those who are alive at the time subject to a possible eternal death if they fail? Millions of people in the past who have died will not have to "tempted" with the GT so how fair is it for a group of people who just happened to be within that generation. So if it happens in this "generation" and someone has a moment of weakness and therefore is deserving of eternal death, how fair is that? Makes no sense to me.

    Lately, I have been trying to wrap my mind around the concept that an all loving god has not intervened in mans affairs for rightousness sake. If my child wronged me I would not hold his offspring + infinity accountable for his mistake. Why does god do that with man? Is it a case where he is trying to make a point with the rebel angels and man gets screwed in the interem?

  • JH

    I guess that God wanted men of all generations to be afraid of Armageddon. But it doesn't seem fair for those who will die at Armageddon, and others living a similar life in the past will get a free pass to the new system

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Sinis says: . "So if it happens in this "generation" and someone has a moment of weakness and therefore is deserving of eternal death, how fair is that? Makes no sense to me. "

    As witness we are taught that it is a "moment" that Christ will come and annialate the wicked...But what if........the great tribulation is stretched out for several years in order to give everyone every possible chance to go to the right side? That's the way, I believe is how it is........This instantaneous thing is bunk in my book. Also we don't know that Jesus or God would come and kill people...maybe they'll be able to finish living their life out, like Adam and Eve, during the thousand years....God didn't kill Adam and Eve right away but let them live their life out...

  • joelbear


    keeping putting ideas to the test with logic and you'll quickly find not much of it makes sense.

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