Offering Mags

by KW13 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KW13

    Remember the whole way you were trained to go on the ministry, notice how the Watchtower was USUALLY not always i accept hidden behind the Awake. So for example, we are asking people today about Terrorism, and what they think the solution is...bla bla and in go both magazines and THEY HOPE that the person reads the watchtower. Can i ask, do you view this as just a small trick or deliberate dishonesty?

  • garybuss

    Yes, it was dishonest! It's just one element of the dishonest recruiting practices used by the Jehovah's Witnesses. We also tried to hide WHO we represented. We know the Watchtower magazine has a bad reputation and we know Jehovah's Witnesses also have a bad reputation, so we say we are Bible Students offering Awake! magazine.

    Many Jehovah's Witnesses want to be anonymous at the doors, not giving their name and refusing to give personal information when asked. I've seen some of them walk away from a door when asked their name. I've seen others give the Kingdom Hall address as their address.

  • carla

    I never understood why I had to ask outright, 'are you a jehovah witness?' and they never seemed to really be pleased to answer that. Now, if they are out there 'proclaiming' the 'name' wouldn't they offer that up immediately? and proudly?

    I don't get what your saying about the mags. Are you saying jw's offer Awakes instead of the WT's to get people to listen before they realize they are jw's? I haven't listened to a spiel of one in a long time, husband doesn't offer me the mags! hahaha

  • wombat

    KW 13.....Nothing changes.... I did the same thing over 40 years ago....Pick on a topical subject in the Awake and then slip the Watch Tower underneath.

    I recall being out with a senior brother as he was expounding to a little old lady in her 70's how important it was to look in your rear-vision mirror whilst driving.


  • KW13

    Stuff thats not even relevant, if i wanted to discuss plants i would go to a garden centre!

  • wombat

    So true KW 13........It is dishonest. I was so embarrassed at the time.

  • luna2

    That always used to bug me too. Don't say you're a JW right off the bat, in fact, try not to say it at all. Use the Awake with some fluff article on the cocoa bean to try to give the impression that we are not a nutty religious group selling magazines, but just everyday folk ...selling magazines. Try to establish some sort of rapport by appearing harmless, maybe get a magazine route started and then try to drag the poor suckers into the cult.

  • KW13

    lol, i dont know about you guys, but also the robotic responses from all jw's. If you say, well actually i go to church up the road, they say oh its nice to see you have a faith BUT....where does that answer come? the REASONING BOOK! its like being given the answers for a test, cheating, how can their replies be heartfelt if they are practised responses.

  • luna2

    No kidding! As for "oh its nice to see you have a faith"...they don't really mean that. All other faiths are false and part of Babs the Great. As JW we were such sucky little liars.

  • KW13

    i think we were taught to see that as heartfelt answers, and be moved by the words but really there were armed responses to anything, including do not say you don't know the answer, say i am not 100% certain, i will look it up in our insight book.

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