Folks you got to see the 'truth'

by KW13 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    Damn i managed as a kid to encourage some friends and finally their parents to be JW's. I wish i hadn't done that now cos basically i see the real truth, all i have done is decided part of their life and the guilt sometimes isn't good.

  • FairMind

    Forgive yourself! We all make what we later in life come to believe are mistakes. Since you can't go back in time you have to accept your past mistakes, learn from them and try not to repeat them. That's all you can do.

  • acadian

    Good morning Kw13, you said,

    all i have done is decided part of their life

    So, it was your decision that they became JW's?

    I don't think so, I understand how you might feel, but it was their decision,their choice, not your's.

    But now that you see things differently, maybe you can show them what you know.

    Undecide what you decided for them, so to speak.

    Kind Regards Kw13


  • KW13

    what is was that i asked my friend to come to meetings, then later asked his bro and later his parents e.t.c and they all were persudaded. i don't directly blame myself, someone else might of shown them but yes i do feel sad that i showed them, i hope the opportunity comes to show them the real truth!

  • delilah

    i hope the opportunity comes to show them the real truth!

    KW, you just may get that opportunity some day. Until then, don't berate yourself, for accomplishing what a witness is supposed to accomplish. They became witnesses because THEY liked what they saw, and heard. NOT because you dragged their sorry a$$es to the kingdom hall and forced them to swallow it down, hook, line and sinker. You invited them, they went willingly. Chin up mate!!

  • KW13

    Thanks :). **Fingers crossed**

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