help-please tell editor..../AP blood story

by carla 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Would you, as an ex jw, care to tell an editor why the AP story is important? Try and keep it somewhat short, unless of course you have lost a loved one due to the misinformed HLC or elders. Whatever you can say to help convince the editor that this is an important story to run. Thanks much.

  • wombat

    Carla....As Danny has just advised, the Chicago Tribune has run with the story.

    Even in little old Brisbane Australia we have heard of the Chicago Tribune.

    I have just forwarded the link to the Tribune's artical to a media friend.,1,956494.story?coll=chi-newslocalchicago-hed

    If the story is big enough for the Trib...............

  • carla

    I agee! Tell my editor! He won't run it.

  • wombat

    Carla...Just email him that link.

    Surely he can't think that he knows better than the editor of the Trib.

    There's no need to make a comment.

  • blondie

    Some newspapers want a local experience to link with running the story not just a story from a larger newspaper.

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