Belief Systems and Marital Happiness

by jeanniebeanz 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jeanniebeanz

    Here is something that just burns my biscuits... A couple I know is getting a divorce over *gasp* religious differences. Mercifully, they have no children to drag into this mess, but, here is the kicker...

    They both believe in:

    The god of the bible, jehovah
    That "jehovah" sent "jesus" to the earth to pay a "ransom" for sin
    That all who believe in "jesus" will be saved
    That there is going to be a judgement in the "end times" where each person will answer for their own lives
    That the 'holy spirit' is a sentient being equal with 'jesus' and 'jehovah'

    They disagree on:

    Whether the 'church' is rescued before or after the start of Armageddon. I mean for cripes sake, what difference does it make if they both believe in Christ? Wouldn't he take the believer in any impending 'rapture' if they believed in him, whether their bags were packed or not???

    So, out of all their 'beliefs' they are going to break up over something as trivial as a minor doctrine? They believe the same things for pity's sake.

    I swear, people can be so dumb... Religion...

  • stillajwexelder

    Reiligion - if I had the power I would ban it

  • Effervescent

    Wow... what a retarded reason. I would bet that there's more going on than that though. I just can't believe that's all there is to it. I sounds like there are two people in the relationship that are emotional bullies, for some reason they feel the need to control the others thought processes.

    Sounds like they're getting out just in time, like you said, before they drag other innocent lives into the dysfunction.

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