Judicial Committee - Elder Counseling - Is your experience similar?

by Funchback 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Funchback

    About 9 or 10 years ago (circa 1996-1997), I faced a judicial committee for fornication (JWisms for Dummies...this means I had sex outside of the "marital arrangement"). The decision "from Jehovah" was made in 5 minutes. I was privately reproved. Anyway...
    After you are on reproof (public or private) and even after you are disfellowshipped, one of the judicial members are supposed to meet with you every week or so to gauge your progress.
    My personal experience was that the elder would try to "help" me see how I ended up making the choice I made (when I had sex), for example, he said the music I listened to, the movies I watched, etc contributed to my "sin".
    As I think back, never did he tell me to seek counseling. Only once did they meet with my wife. Never did they encourage me or my wife to get an HIV test.
    Really, all they did was tell my wife that she can't keep withholding the renderance of my due if she really forgave me. Seriously, they told her that.
    Ultimately, I was reinstated after six months of Watchtower articles, sporadic meetings with the elder, and no marital counseling.
    Yes, I should have been wise enough to have gotten tested for HIV soon after the act. But...I don't know...I was only concerned for my so-called "spiritual sickness".
    My whole time as a JW was filled with dumb decisions, fear, and unhappiness, wtih NO REAL advice and counseling coming from the elders.

  • prophecor

    Hi Funchback, I was so adrift with what happened that when mines came around, and I was let off the hook, (Fornicaxion), I was encouraged to just come to the meetings, make all of them, and they would work with me thru the situation. I vanished right after that. I actually expected my head to be handed to me. They were amaxingly lenient. I really didn't understand it. It was the most bizarre moment of my being a witness. Chilling almost.

  • What-A-Coincidence
    NO REAL advice and counseling coming from the elders.

    So true. The congregation I was in was fortunate to have "caring Elders" - we strove to really understand the sheep. Cept one intimidating Elder would always ask, what is the Societies policy? What did Jesus say fool!? It was a body of about 8 Elders. Overall he was allright for an Org. man. If someone had a question about policy, he was the man, while we strove to apply the law of the Christ. Funny that I had to read "other" material to see how to apply it, the WTBTS does not teach you how.

    Some Elders just ruin it for the sheep . I am happy and sad that I left the Elder ranks, had a "Crisis of Conscience" (C) .

    WAC (From the "go shopping for a congregation if possible" class if you need to stay "in".)

    Serving Faders Worldwide.

  • MinisterAmos

    My whole time as a JW was filled with dumb decisions, fear, and unhappiness, wtih NO REAL advice and counseling coming from the elders.

    Dude, these are JANITORS! WTF kind of real advice is someone with a HS education going to be able to give? BAD advice is way worse than none at all.

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