Very important video please watch

by Antichrist 0 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Antichrist

    This is a great video. If you have any doubts about 911 then please see this. Also view his other videos. There are quite a few unanswered questions about 911. Such as where is the 60 some tons of debris that should have been present when the 757 crashed into the pentagone? Nothing, no suitcases, no bodies nothing was in the photos that indicated debris of a large aircraft like that. The 757 was supposed to have flow 10 feet off the ground. and with all the traffic cams and security around the pentagone. We have no video of this- we have no telephone poles, light poles or anything knocked down from a big play flying 10 ft off the ground yet supposedly it crashed into the pentagon.

    The twin towers when they came down. How is it that they fell on their own footprint? how? moreover a building designed in such a manner would not just collaps like that. I have seen many fires in building and they didnt come down like that. Only well placed explosives would have caused a building to collapse on its own foot print. I am surprised that after viewing the obvious evidence that people would continue to believe that those planes alone would destroy the buildings. Whats is even weirder is how some of the supposed terrorist are alive still and even more is how a pilot could of poor instruction such as the one who I undestand flew the first plane. expertly fly a large airliner at over 400 kts at a building in down town manhattan.

    I intend on simulating this and the pentagone attack in the next few days using flight sim 4. I intend to try several scenarios including using the biggest plane I can find and the smallest to test the the pentagone attack. I believe that I could fly at 10ft above the ground if I had a very small plane but not a massive 757 or the like...Still I will test that too.

    The only way this administation is going to wake up and re-examine the evidence is by people like us yelling and screaming there is something wrong. This war is illegal. Our soldiers are dieing everyday in an oil war for W whos profiteers are leading the way to the unmerited killing spree on our brothers and sisters. We must put an end to this war and we must demand the impeachment of the people who were responsible for instigating this whole thing. Many in here prob praise G w Bush. He is a Demon Wrapped in human flesh. He is evil and people love him. Why? He was arrested for drunk driving, he was a member of the skulls, he arrested for cocain possesion and was awol in the military for a year just to name of few of his exploits. If he were a common jo or jane like you and I he would be have served time in prison At the very least.

    Please take the time to review the video. please take the time to think on your own. Religion doesnt matter, Rep or Dem doesnt matter nothing matters but the truth and the truth is Americans have been had.

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