Blast From The Past.

by Frenchy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frenchy

    “Religionists are the enemies of God because they have forms of pretended worship of God but they have no real devotion to God and to his kingdom. …The foregoing evidence proves conclusively that religion is a racket and that those who practice it for gain are racketeers...who rob the people of their money, take away their liberty of thought and action and put in jeopardy their lives.”

    Enemies by J.F. Rutherford Published in 1937 page 190

    Of course the Judge was talking about the Roman Catholic Church primarily.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • peterstride

    Simply amazing how his words apply to the present day WTS...

    -pretend worship of God (the "faithfull and discreet slave" is who you listen to....they speak for God, and between them and the governing body...well, you get the picture.)

    -no real devotion to God (must follow the "mother" organization and not run ahead of it)

    -religion is a racket and those who practice it for gain are racketeers (they keep buying and buying buildings in Brooklyn, they live in bethel with all their daily needs taken care of by member donations, they defend their idiotic policies with high priced lawyers (don't tell me that they donate their time), they don't help out their members in places of need...ever wonder why they don't send free magazines and books to members in Africa?...where 10 people share one book or magazine)

    -rob people of their money (donate, donate, donate...don't have higher education, work at menial jobs so you do more in service, attend all meetings)

    -take away their liberty of thought and action (do whatever the WTS says, or face disfellowshipping...but oh...these aren't rules, they are simply suggestions....yeah right!)

    -put in jeopardy their lives (first no vaccinations, then no organ transplants, then no blood the first two are allowed)

    Just my thoughts on the matter,

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • blondie

    Frenchy, you wouldn't happen to know where the quote is where JFR said the WTS was not a religion?


  • Frenchy

    Blondie: I don’t know of a specific quote of his stating that the WTBS was not a religion but in all his books and sermons he denounced religion vehemently. Even as late as in 1940 in his book “Religion” he was still denouncing religion.
    On pages 46,7 of that book he states: “Christianity and religion are two separate and distinct things, and the two are in complete opposition to each other. Those who practice religion are numerous; those who truly are Christian are few.”
    In his preface to that book, written in his own hand, he says: “For centuries Satan has deceived the people by means of religion…It is your commission to help the people of good will to see that religion is their mortal enemy…” In his concluding words in the book he states on page 365: “In the face of the foregoing authoritative prophecy of Almighty God and of the physical facts which he has brought to pass in fulfillment thereof, can any sane person rely upon religion to save the nations and the people from disaster? The time has come when every person on earth will hold to demonism, which is religion, and suffer destruction; or will shun religion and will quickly seek protection under the government of Jehovah, and thus find the way to life.”
    A dramatic departure from such a view of religion came about shortly thereafter. Slowly the WTBS began perceiving itself as a religion and started easing this concept on the membership through its publications. This was a gradual shift that took place in the mid to late forties. So strong had been the portrayal of religion as being a tool of the devil that many balked at this new idea that suddenly their faith was a religion. Many were confused about this new information and began writing to the headquarters about it. A feature of the Watchtower called “Questions from readers” addressed this reversal of the leadership’s perception of religion and in so doing reveals that this was a gradual shift rather than an abrupt change.
    Note the question in the March 15 issue of the Watchtower in the section: “Questions From Readers”: In the past we regarded ‘religion’ as anything that was against God’s will. Now many brothers are using the expressions “true religion” and “false religion” to make a distinction. Is this advisable?—D. D., California.”
    The answer read, in part, “The brothers are correct in using the qualifying adjectives “true” and “false” respecting religion, so as not to be misunderstood, especially by those outside the organization. In the past we have had to do so much needless explanation and extricating of ourselves from embarrassing positions by not being specific on this”
    Later that year, in the August 15th issue the question was raised again. Evidently this departure from such a long held position was difficult for some to accept. The response, in part, says: “This viewpoint on the use of the word “religion” was not suddenly adopted by the Society. Careful readers of the Society’s publications have noticed that during the past few years when religion was being discussed the publications were careful to limit any condemnation to false religion. Two years ago Awake! quoted Moffatt’s translation of 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13, and identified the religion mentioned in that text as being true by inserting this qualification in brackets, as follows: “Though they keep up a form of [true] religion, they will have nothing to do with it as a force.” (September 22, 1949, page 9) So this matter had been under careful study and consideration for a long time, and what was brought out on it at the Theocracy’s Increase Assembly at Yankee Stadium in New York last year was further enlargement and welcome clarification, and not some new idea brought forth suddenly. None should feel upset by the use of the term “religion”. --W51 8/15 Questions from Readers.
    Interestingly next week’s study article in the Watchtower mentions witnesses carrying placards with the slogan “Religion is a snare and a racket” in the late 1930’s.
    Hope that helps.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • blondie

    Thanks, Frenchy...I guess it's like once JWs vindicated Jehovah's name and then it switched to vindicating his sovereignty in 1986, all without a study article or even a written explanation until 5/15/95 WT.

  • Frenchy

    You're welcome.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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