Bible Discrepencies

by StifflersErSlayersBrother 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • StifflersErSlayersBrother

    In my own personal research in the bible, I have found certain... discrepencies in certain areas... The following are in my opinion, what REALLY happend...

    1. God didnt make woman out of a rib from man.. More than likely, God said "Yo Adam, man, you look lonely. I tell ya what lets through a BBQ Party. Ill bring da women, you bring da ribs!"

    2. Jesus did not die on a STAKE as so many Dubs believe. In my opinion, this is what likely transpired. After he was done with his whole Eat my flesh Drink my blood stuff, Judas served the main course... In the middle of the meal, Jesus choked on a bone, and keeled over onto his dinner plate which held a ... what? a STEAK!!!

    and thats all i have to say about that!

  • SlayerLayer

    BOO!!! HISS!!!! BOO!!!!

    Consider this a virtual rotten tomatoe thrown in your general direction.

    BTW...If I didn't know better, I'd think that my atheistic views are rubbing off on you. LOL


  • Naeblis

    I happen to know that the word "out" was left out of that passage by mistake. Jesus was actually a smalltime cop from Bethlehem who died on a stake out. They were monitoring the dealings of one Johnny Twocoats, a much sought after criminal who got his name from the fact that he always wore two coats. True story.

    We can't stop here....this is bat country..

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