What's the most mileage you did in 1 day going door to door?

by JH 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    We used to go out in the country twice a week, and the furthest I went was about 40 miles (60km) away.

    Just in that one day, I drove over 200km (125 miles) going door to door. As if we didn't do enough, when we came back to our town, we went in the field service form 5 to 7 and from 7 to 9pm.

  • Highlander

    does it have to be one day or can I count three days? I drove from the midwest to california, and being a bit mischevious, I preached to someone before I left and then preached to someone upon arrival in california. Total mileage about 2000 and approximately 50 hours of field service time. Or maybe that was too over the top? haha

  • Highlander

    Oh wait! I got another one. This one doesn't involve as many hours, but many, many more miles.

    I was at the airport waiting to board my flight to europe. I preached to someone at the airport prior to boarding,,, Got on the plane,, flew about 8000 miles? approximately,, arrived in

    Holland and went out preaching with local friends I was visited there. That was a cool 15 hours of 'service' time. :)

  • JH

    You did more than Jesus....

  • Highlander

    I made it a point to request a 'kosher' meal on my preaching flight. :)

  • Forscher

    Years ago I was an assistant book study conductor in an isolated group. Just to get to the little KH they had was a 44 mile trip one way. Since going out in service could add as much as 10-15 miles before knocking on the the first door in the territory, I am sure I racked up over more than 100 miles on more than one occasion, though I never kept a record.

  • greendawn

    You really had to waste your petrol, apart from your time and energy , for the WTS, as I am sure you didn't get compensated for it.

    I was always nice and local within a couple of miles from home, easy walking distance.

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