To Pole

by Farkel 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    I said, in all foolishness:

    : On the otherhand, no atheist can present a single fact to provide that a Creator doesn't exist.

    You wisely replied:

    :Can you imagine such "a fact"? Honestly, I wonder what would it take to make such an argument? Similarily, how do you prove that Santa doesn't exist?

    I have lectured people for years that one cannot disprove a negative assertion and I now fell into that trap myself. I said many times "I have 10,000 invisible purple unicorns telling me what God wants from me: prove me WRONG." No one can disprove a negative assertion.

    I apologize for that, Pole.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    sometimes people also say things like:

    "well tetrapod, you know that the same evidence that is used for evolution, can also be used for creation."

    and i always wonder if they have ever read any carl sagan, or perhaps heard of parsimony. but that difficult stuff aside, sometimes i will ask if they could say the same thing about xmas presents that appear under the tree at xmas. the evidence of the presents under the tree can be used to support the assertion that santa exists, and yet we choose to go with the natural explanation which usually involves some parents putting the presents there in the middle of the night.

    "but tetrapod! the presents are so very very complex! surely all complex presents come from santa?!"

    presto. it's all so easy.


  • Amazing1914


    I apperciate your admission. Like you, I have found myself eating my own words on ocassion. But, the fact that you can honestly and objectively admit it shows you to be among the really free persons from the Borg. To many ex-Jws seems to really be JWs who happen to object to the Watchtower. Whereas the really free have moved far beyond to become balanced and clear thinkers.

    Jim W.

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