Stupid drivers who suffer from testosterone poisoning

by Elsewhere 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Late last night I was driving up a major highway with three lanes going north. At one point three "clever" people decided it would be fun to all line up across the three lanes and slow down. They managed to bring the flow to traffic down from 70 mph to 45 mph for about 5 minutes. Oh how clever.

    Ok, so I can handle that. Everyone just slowed down and waited while these morons got their cheap jollies.

    I'm about five cars behind these amazingly clever jokesters when some guy in a full-size truck pulls up behind me. Apparently the poor guy was suffering from a sever case of testosterone poisoning and began tailgating me honking and flashing his bights at me while swerving back and forth aggressively.

    The poor guy obviously was a bit touched in the head as he not understand that the laws of physics prevented me from driving over or through the five other cars in front of me.

    Being the better man, I was not going to try to agitate him so I just opened my sunroof and made a polite gesture to let him know that I thought he was #1. I ensured he had the opportunity to see my kind gesture until he finally gave up and another full-size truck immediately took his place. The new guy started the same thing again... flashing his bights and making the most aggressive maneuvers one can while only going 45 mph.

    Once again, I ensured I was the better man and made the polite gesture for this new guy too. After all I would not want him to feel left out.

    Poor guys... I wish I knew some way to help them with their sever testosterone poisoning.

  • LittleToe
    I wish I knew some way to help them with their sever testosterone poisoning.

    It's quite simple - sever their testosterone glands at the source

  • Elsewhere

    lol... gotta love those wonderful MS Word spell-check mishaps.

    Yes, I agree, "sever" is probably the key word in the solution to their problem!

  • justice for all
    justice for all

    Yes ...These people with big trucks think they can bully you right off the road and somertimes they do..yikes!

  • Elsewhere

    It's funny how they like to make aggressive moves from the side and rear. I've learned that their bravado lacks any substance. I just stand my ground and refuse to "flinch" or swerve when they pull their little hi-jinks. When I do that they almost always end up having to make a very sudden and erratic maneuver to keep from hitting me as they are used to small cars suddenly flinching out of their way.

    Ohhhh... they don't like it when they themselves end up flinching from the inaction of a small car! They end up looking PISSED!

  • stillajwexelder

    try driving in Boston - if I do not move while a light is still on red but about to change I get about 3 dozen car horns in my ear - they really are agressive drivers in the Boston area especiallyb on 95/295/495

  • Secretly Free
    Secretly Free

    You should be cautious about doing stuff like that Elsewhere. Stupid hicks like that are the type who end up killing people over "road rage". Best to just get out of the way.

  • Elsewhere
    You should be cautious about doing stuff like that Elsewhere. Stupid hicks like that are the type who end up killing people over "road rage". Best to just get out of the way.

    hehe... a few seconds after I extended my hand out of the sunroof I, for a brief instant, wondered if I would end up drawing my hand back in minus a finger due to a passing bullet.

  • G Money
    G Money

    I hate people that drive slow in the fast lane. The blame is the first car. The most flagrant offenders are as follows (in the USA):

    People that drive japanese cars
    Men 40-60 with beards
    Asian drivers

    I've done so much driving lately and all a$$es driving 60 in the 65 fast lane fit those profiles 90% of the time. In Mexico the fast lane is for passing only, not having a picnic like in the US!

  • loosie

    Hats off to Elsewhere. I never expect a thread with this subject to be started by a man.

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