by stillAwitness 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillAwitness

    Come on! What's your choice of beverage this new years eve?!

    I made a fine mixture of Boston's Vodka and one those cheap wine coolers.

    Within time it started to taste like Merlot.

  • AlmostAtheist

    No ma'am! I'm as sober as ... one of those... really sober... thingys.

    (When the champagne ran out, we polished off the rest of a bottle of wine, and now we're pouring beer into our champagne glasses and PRETENDING it's champagne.)

    [We're professional drinkers. DON'T try this this at home!]


  • DavidChristopher

    Wish I was....I have been getting my ass ripped for asking Dee Dee to stop cussing Quintin out. He thinks it is ok to cuss people out now when He gets mad. Thinks it is ok to hit others when he is mad. he watches her do it, then she punishes him for DOING it. I "got mad" to her, I "brought it to her attention" to me. Anyway she kept screaming and hitting me, calling ME a psycho!! Did I do anything wrong? I just asked her "what do I have you want?" that you put up with all this? Silence and cussing is what I have gotten. If you bring something you feel is wrong to someones attention is that "getting mad"?

  • lonelysheep

    I'm on smirnoff ice #4 and feeling fine.

  • doofdaddy

    Whiskey, bourbon and of course beer!

  • AlmostAtheist
    If you bring something you feel is wrong to someones attention is that "getting mad"?

    Is it late where you are, Dave? When people haven't had enough sleep, they do all sorts of things they would normally know better than to do. Maybe she's in need of sleep?

    Sorry you're getting hung out to dry for something you don't think is your fault. :-(


  • DavidChristopher

    nah, it started this morning when she woke up. I wish these damned girls came with instruction manuals!!!!! I is ok though, I love a challenge, and if she doesn't kill me, I will get stronger right?LOL She has been mentioning "stoning" alot more frequently. Man, I wish I had one beer, so I could be drinking with you guys! I drank them all the other day. HEY!! I just decided to go look again, guess what? My wish came true!! A toast perhaps?

  • prophecor

    Fruit Smoothies. Test driving my new blender we got for Christmas. Alchy Free Though.

  • AlmostAtheist
    I wish these damned girls came with instruction manuals!!!!!

    In universe 2.0, I"m sure they will. For now, we're all just winging it. Hang in there, my friend! :-)

    *attempts to raise a glass and asks, "which way is up?"*


  • DavidChristopher

    Hell i don't do you define "up"? LOL

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