Ok, I'm ready to go home now

by lonelysheep 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    Anyone else?

    I'm at work and bored out of my mind. Everyone left to go shopping or get a head start on their travels. Me, I could use a drink right about now.

    I guess I'm antsy since I'm on vacation next week and have a lot of cleaning to do at home.

    So, tonight, I will take myself to the movies to see Memoirs of a Geisha. Tomorrow I will sleep in, wrap gifts, visit w/my friend and her family in staten island, and then get my kids at night.

    LS (pass the eggnog & rum)

  • Finally-Free

    Yeah, I'm at work and bored too. It's dead around here. The only thing that's keeping me going is a tray of cookies someone brought me.


  • ballistic

    Sorry - guys in the US and Canada - our time zone IS IN FRONT of yours!

  • luna2

    Me too! God, it's only 2:30. Store doesn't close until 6:00. This is going to be one long afternoon. Blah!

  • lonelysheep

    Wow....the man in charge gave us an early dismissal. I hope you guys leave soon, too.

  • Finally-Free
  • greendawn

    What sort of work do you do Lonelysheep and you find it so boring?

  • lola28

    bored here as well, if you guys want to pass the time, go on to thomschat. At least you get to chat while you wait for the day to be over. There is a link to the chat in the tech support section of this site.


  • Elsewhere

    Happy Holidays LonlySheep!!!!

    If needed I can bring the cokes, chips and cookies!

  • lonelysheep
    So, tonight, I will take myself to the movies to see Memoirs of a Geisha.

    I went directly to the movies after leaving work. Great movie!!

    SNG: Your photo of the path with the orange posts came into mind when seeing it in the film. Beautiful.

    What sort of work do you do Lonelysheep and you find it so boring?

    I work for a pharmaceutical company. When 90% of the company is out, there is no work for the rest of us.

    If needed I can bring the cokes, chips and cookies!


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