How Many JW Pedophile Cases Has Kim Norris Tried In The Past 5 Or So Years?

by wanda 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanda

    I know everyone is referred to her and plenty of time has passed. How many has she tried? Has she tried any and won? I don't believe it's smart to put all your eggs/cases into one basket/law firm.

    If I'm wrong though then cite her efforts and her wins.

    I strongly urge victims to go after Watchtower men who abet child molesters and the molesters themselves, but want to know why she appears to continually gets the referrals from this and other websites?

    Also shouldn't lawyers in other states than where she is at get more of the referrals since they know better the laws of those states?

    Again, if she has a big win record, then lay it out, and I'll advocate her and her firm too.

    I'm/We're interested in hearing back from her and those who can give FACTS on this. I have a right to ask and receive an honest answer.

  • DevonMcBride

    Maybe someone else can answer your question more accurately but I believe the cases she has taken are still ongoing.

  • LDH
    I'm/We're interested in hearing back from her and those who can give FACTS on this. I have a right to ask and receive an honest answer.

    OK, Let me break it down for ya.

    Your right to ask extends to the person about whom you're asking. If you care so much why not call her office and ask her?

    Don't come in here stirring shit, cause I guarantee there's more than enough shit to get stirred.

  • blondie

    The best source of this information can be accessed by calling the numbers below. Kim works with other lawyers in other states as is required by law. A lawyer cannot practice in every state.

    Love & Norris

    Attorneys at Law
    314 Main Street, Suite 300

    Fort Worth, Texas 76102

    Telephone: 817.335.2800

    Facsimile: 817.335.2912

    Toll Free: 877.4ABUSED (877.422.8733)

    Greg email: [email protected]

    Kimberlee email: [email protected]

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