Visit Home 2005

by joelbear 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    It had been a year since I had been home due to my psychological problems this year. Mitch went with me. My niece Gwyn and my sister in law Wanda were there along with three of the great grand kids.

    It was a nice visit. I was a bit tense about my niece and wanda's reaction to spending the day with Mitch, but they seemed to take it in stride. Gwyn interacted with him quite a bit which pleased me.

    I got to play with the great grandkids and talk and laugh with Gwyn. Gwyn was like my best friend growing up. Now I only get to see her about once a year. Her husband is morally outraged by my homosexuality.

    My delivery baby was named Dr. Gay. I kid you not. My dad told us that his sister used the same doctor for her 2nd child, a boy who turned out to be gay. He also had two work associates whose wives used the same doctor and their sons? you guessed it, gay gay gay gay gay. I found this to be a fascinating story.

    Dad and Mitch had a nice visit. The kids did get on our nerves a bit but not too bad.

    So, really my nephew in law is the last die hard anti-Joel person in the family. Unfortunately that still keeps me out of a lot of what goes on.

  • pratt1

    Glad to hear you had a good visit with your family.

    I am sure your family enjoyed their time with you as well.

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