The scariest Place on Earth........

by spike 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • spike

    No, I'm not referring to the Borg palace in N.Y. I was watching the tv show where they select a family to spend a night roaming around a haunted island, castle etc. Now if the God/devil concept isn't right, what causes the energy forces to scare the hell out of those people? If this was discussed before, bear with me I'm a newbie trying to figure out what to believe.

    Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon

  • ianao

    It's called $$$.

  • MrMoe

    I very much believe in the spirit realm and evil "demon spirits", although I have seen these shows you are referring to, and I think they are freaked out by the power or suggestion. Who the heck wouldn't be freaked out by the power of suggestion.

    What I percieve about these TV shows: Here you are, in a spooky castle, said to be inhabited by ghosts of dead people by some deep voiced man who sounds like he should work in a morgue who tells you for hours how freaky it is and scarry and the bloody history of the place with heads being chopped of and irons maiden and such and then you do some spirit ritual with blood and candles and then in the dark you are seperated from your family and have to close the "portal" so the mourning evil spirits can rest. I think it is sorta silly, if you ask me.

  • Silverleaf

    Hi all,

    I wasted two hours last night watching that show which is sooo much hype it's just sad. I'm sure those poor people really were scared out of their wits and I'm sure the producers and staff of the show made sure they 'heard' noises and 'saw' shadows and such, and of course as MrMoe said, the power of suggestion is very strong.

    I do believe that spirits exist though and that they can try to communicate. I just can't believe they will do it on cue for TV cameras.


  • blondie

    Old buildings make strange sounds, not airtight (drafty), windtunnels (chimneys), old foundations, squeaky floors, doors not hung straight, and of course, good old imagination.

    The only really frightening things are people.

  • bboyneko
    Now if the God/devil concept isn't right, what causes the energy forces to scare the hell out of those people?

    Dont be so close-minded...lets assume ghosts are real. Why must there be a God or Devil for this to be true? Also, if ghosts are real, they would haunt any time of day, not just night time. What would it matter to them?

    The evidence I've heard of for ghosts seem to suggest that if they are real, they are unaware of us, and dont harm us. Most of the time they seem to be reenacting their activities from when they were living. Like in Sixth Sense, they dont realize they are dead.

    I want to beleive in ghosts because it would prove there is something after death, and Id like that to be true.

    Im a part of a ghost hunting club in maryland,

    I joined to see for myself if this is a true phenomena. Ive already verified ESP, and so who knows what else might be true?


  • Bridgette

    Okay, I'll try posting again. This is just my two cents, and in no way is an expert opinion on the matter. I believe there are certain energies in the universe. Christians (and other pluralists) have broken these down into Dark and Light/ Good and Evil. If they can't understand something, they tend to place it in the "evil" or scary category. In the case of the "scariest places", I have to agree with the previous poster who felt that it was exacerbated by the power of suggestion. But if there are earthbound spirits in that place, I believe it to be the residue of people's psyches that were so brutalized there that a portion of "them" go timprinted there. Their essences, I believe have gone on. However, like a photograph, or hologram, some residual energy remains to "tell" their gruesome stories.
    As I said that is just my two cents. I watched the first half of the show until I couldn't stand it anymore (the guy harangueing the poor guy who couldn't stop his nervous laughter) It was just a little too silly. But an interesting concept.
    Just two cents from Bridgette (who believes very much that there is a scientific explanation for EVERYTHING--even if it turns out to be stranger than fiction)

  • Stephanus
    Ive already verified ESP, and so who knows what else might be true?

    Well, there's $1000000 up for grabs if you can verify it under lab conditions:

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    The scariest place on earth is the bit of floor just around my family's toilet after all the men get through with their morning whiz.

    It takes real courage to go in there and clear off those Spirits of Ammonia!

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