Why are they making it so hard?

by Axelspeed 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Axelspeed

    On another thread a poster talked about getting beat over the head with a certain banner ad.

    Now everytime I come to the site I seem to be getting hit with this one:

    Joseph Smith

    Learn about the visit of Jesus Christ to ancient America.

    www.josephsmith.com I won't even comment on what I think as I try to live and let live now, and at most just shake my head...but I have to ask rhetorically, is someone intentionally trying to make it hard for me to like religion? Axelspeed

  • mouthy

    is someone intentionally trying to make it hard for me to like religion?

    Why worry about religion go for a relationship with your Creator... I did & I am happier than I have ever been as a JW... Ask Jesus to come into your life. Then you wont need religion...

  • Mysterious

    Why like religion in the first place? You can live and let live without needing to like something, you simply don't persecute them for their beliefs. It is certainly not necessary to like or approve.

  • Axelspeed

    Actually, I'm about as far away from organized religion as you can get...been burned enough for 2 lifetimes.

    I just wonder about those who really do go for this stuff. I tolerate religion and use it as a study in human nature, but this kind of stuff....i just shake my head


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