Our Grand Illusion of Life

by DougKelley 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • DougKelley

    Our Grand Illusion of Life
    Doug Kelley · August 2001

    I want to know who you really are; what is really inside you…

    Each one of us lives an illusion of life. Deep inside us dwells a person that is real and alive, but far removed. We may sense that person, but few others truly see the person we are deep within.

    After you peel away the layers of personality cover-ups; the layers of walls and shields we all project; you may find a quivering, frightened human being, desperately trying to feel needed, and seeking his or her place in the greater reality.

    Who are we really? I mean, really? deep inside? Peel away the layers of religion and beliefs; peel away the delusions we operate under; peel away the face we show to the world, and for many--if not most--what we have left is the pain of who we really are; the pain of not knowing the true reality; the pain of dreams unfulfilled; a feeling, perhaps, of no belonging.

    We try so desperately to fit in; so desperately to show a face of confidence in our surroundings and ourselves. But could it be that each one of us is really just a frightened child? What happened to our dreams? our hopes for the future? What happened to our innocence? to what we wanted to become? Somehow, when we were born as adults, we died as children. No longer do we fantasize about our hopes and dreams for the future; of what we were going to be and do. The concept of "what could be," passed away. Indeed, for some, perhaps there was no true childhood at all.

    Somehow, we got sucked into this giant swirling vortex that robs us of our most precious possession--our humanity; our humanity--with all the wonderful plans; all the wonderful innocence; the pure and noble. Most of us live deep within a self-imposed illusion of life; growing up and adapting to what is socially and culturally acceptable in society. And in so doing, we quickly enmesh ourselves in the enslaving constraints of life, job/career, and financial obligations. Moreover, these are like a ball and chain that we drag around for decades (or life), never realizing all we could be.

    All that we had once hoped and dreamed is now discounted as childhood fantasy. Instead, we live the life of illusion. Humanity has lost itself.

    But why? Who decided that we should live lives of quiet desperation? We did. Society did. Humanity did.

    But there is one hope; one glorious sparkle of redemption: As adults and human beings, we have the magnificent gift of Free Will; the choice to accept personal responsibility for where we are at right now and where we are going next…or not accept it; the choice to change and grow within, which in turn changes our life, which in turn, changes our world. (For more on personal responsibility, see the article, "Wisdom in the Mirror" at http://www.empowerthespirit.com/Articles/wisdom.htm ).

    If you are just beginning to make your way into the world as a young adult, then choose your future wisely—now, before you find yourself unwittingly encumbered by circumstances that you did not actively design and intend.

    On the other hand, what if you find yourself in a life-situation or circumstance that is holding you back from realizing your dreams? First, answer the "Why?" question: What decisions, mindsets, or behaviors got you to this place in life? Educate yourself on these, and then correct them. Next, explore all possible solutions that will result in forward momentum.

    Of course, you must act responsibly in your endeavors, not casting aside moral commitments, such as family obligations. To be certain, any noble work results in a win-win outcome, even if it is painful to accept. Apart from this, do what you must to realize your potential!

    When we begin to make forward movement toward our dreams, our long-held and closely guarded Grand Illusion of Life then evaporates, revealing the Grand Reality of Life--our life! Then we find meaning, belonging, and fulfillment--not in an illusion--but in the limitless possibilities of "what could be."

    So, how about it? What's your choice? Remember: It is never too late to find yourself and be all that you wanted!

    For more on attaining your dreams, read the E-Book, "The Science of Getting Rich," by Wallace Wattles, available free at http://www.empowerthespirit.com/ezine.htm .

    Doug Kelley, CSL
    Please Visit http://www.EmpowerTheSpirit.com for more personal growth articles.

  • safe4kids

    Hey FreePeace,

    Excellent essay. Life IS what we make of it but it sure as heck is difficult to wade through all of the emotional and mental baggage we carry with us. Still wading....


    "I undid his head collar and took him outside for a drink, and felt, if not exactly a communion with him, at least an awareness of being a fellow creature on a lonely planet."

    Dick Francis in "To The Hilt"

  • expatbrit


    Thank you for another interesting and thought provoking essay.

    A couple of questions:

    we quickly enmesh ourselves in the enslaving constraints of life, family, job/career, and financial obligations. Moreover, these are like a ball and chain that we drag around for decades (or life), never realizing all we could be.

    the choice to accept personal responsibility for where we are at right now and where we are going next…or not accept it

    Presumably then we would need to cast off these enslaving constraints in order to realize what we can be. This is a way of taking responsibility for ourselves. But I'm interested in your view of where the line is drawn between realising our dreams, and indulging in selfishness. Where do duties and what is "right" fit into the picture? When does personal responsibility become social irresponsibility?


  • DougKelley

    Hey Expat!

    What?! You can't read my mind?

    You raise some excellent questions, and I am very happy you did so!

    But I'm interested in your view of where the line is drawn between realising our dreams, and indulging in selfishness. Where do duties and what is "right" fit into the picture? When does personal responsibility become social irresponsibility?

    I added to the end of the article above to address your questions. In my own mind, I did not mean to imply that one should cast aside one's moral obligations simply to indulge in selfishly chasing his/her dream. Of course, since people can't read my mind , I needed to be clearer on this, and I appreciate you helping me.

    In my humble opinion, "personal responsibility become social irresponsibility" when a person neglects the moral obligations he/she has taken on, such as children.

    I do not believe that an adult necessarily has a "moral obligation" to another adult when in an unhealthy relationship. This, of course, is a personal decision that each person must make.

    Again, I really appreciate your comments (and yours too Dana!). It always helps when I get "called" on something I've written. It helps me to improve.

    I have heard many good things about you from Tracy and Dana. I hope to meet you one day!


    Doug Kelley, CSL
    Please Visit http://www.EmpowerTheSpirit.com for more personal growth articles.

  • expatbrit


    Thanks for your answers to my questions. I'm afraid I've never really mastered the mind reading thing, but then, what man has?

    I definitely agree with your additional comments.

    I'm looking forward to meeting Tracy and Dana at our apostofest in September, and definitely one day meeting yourself and doing something masculine, preferably involving beer.


  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    Actually, to us little older guys, your ponderances are like nothing new under the sun. Wrap up all the searchings, observations, and interpretations that you expound, it's the same ol', same ol'. It's part of what a lot of your age group grapple with, those who have a sensitive or "creative mind."

    Young or old, once in a while it's fun [helps] to put on a jag, along with some laughing, crying, and wrestling, with a partner of like mind. In this system, most everything I find is based upon love, hatred, selfishness, or vanity.

    However, everything scopes out differently when one is drawn to Christ by the Father. Then life becomes spiritually rich; the future becomes a Truth for which to hope and be excited about.

    Keep thinking, but stop to ask us old guys a question or two also. We've already been there several times. Get yourself an old dog and some elderberry wine; you'll get a lot of insight this way.

    Free In Christ Jesus our Lord & Savior, as the Father would have it.

  • FreePeace


    I am glad you have discovered some of these answers for yourself. The truth is, most people have not, including "old guys." That is why I write.

    How about you? Do you have a website or book designed to encourage? If so what is it?

    I get comments from people like you from time to time, basically criticizing what I am doing. But if there were more people like me doing it, I wouldn't have to do it.

    And I would love to ask you "old guys" a few questions, but I fear that I will get answers that somehow involve using the "God-crutch" to solve problems. I don't do "God" anymore. Used to. I called, nobody home.

    Thanks for responding.

  • Julie

    Ok so is Doug Kelly also Freepeace? I am guessing so.

    Anyhoo, great thoughts, I agree with all of it. Got a kick out of this:

    I get comments from people like you from time to time, basically criticizing what I am doing. But if there were more people like me doing it, I wouldn't have to do it.

    And I would love to ask you "old guys" a few questions, but I fear that I will get answers that somehow involve using the "God-crutch" to solve problems. I don't do "God" anymore. Used to. I called, nobody home.

    I have to say I have really learned to peel away the layers you speak of so brilliantly and am a better person and mom because of it. Very insightful words. Thanks for taking the time to post it here.


  • DougKelley

    Hi Julie,

    Thank you for your kind words! Yes, I and FreePeace are one in the same. I use my real name on threads dealing with personal growth, but goofed on my last reply.

    I appreciate what you said. It is always encouraging when another person gets something positive from "stuff." I have more stuff at http://www.empowerthespirit.com if you are interested.

    Have a great day!


    Doug Kelley, CSL
    Please Visit http://www.EmpowerTheSpirit.com for personal growth articles.

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