by stillAwitness 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillAwitness

    At the service meeting tonight we went over this week's scheduled bible reading at 1) Chronicles 10-12. The brother explaining the Bible reading explained the example for young people:

    " What can we learn this week young people from Rehoboam's example? That when you have problems as much as you may be inclined to seek the advice of your fellow peers you should seek out the "older men" in the congregation for help. The elders are here to guide you in the right direction. And of course your parents can help also.

    So parents are listed second?? I'm not a mom but I know that when I become one I would want my child to come to me before going to someone else no matter who they are. And of course there is no mention of going to God himself.

    "We also urge you young people to pusue spiritual goals like pioneering while still in high school." Did I hear that correctly? What ever happend to 'during summer vacations?' and 'once you graduate?'

    We also have a new assembly hall being built in Georgia. The accounts report was also being announced and it was said that 5 million dollars has already been donated towards the new assembly since Novermber. 5 million?? Where does that money come from??? That can't all be from people dropping just dropping in a couple dollars in the contributution boxes can it??

  • defd


    They are not FORCING you to take their advice. That is the great thing about worshiping Jehovah, WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE!


  • young hearts, be free..
    young hearts, be free..

    And guess what ??? If you chose to not take their advice, you get treated like shit by pathetic, would-be counsellors/mediators/advisors...So there's your choice.... Never trust a non-professional opinion or advice, which is exactly what you'll get from a JW elder.

  • FreeWilly

    Yeah StillA, No one is forcing you! You could just submit to the Brooklyn Crusties and be told your 'happy', OR you could be kicked out on the streets and spit on by your former family and friends. But for God sakes, you're always free to choose!

    Look on the bright side.... You could always find someone to marry like DF'd to "head" the household so you don't have to worry your pretty little head off. That way when the annual Watchtower article on "Wifely Submission" rolls around you can be one of the sista's who raise their hands and say "It's nice to have someone make all the decisions for me".

    Just consider it good training for the future.

    Just kidding, why are you still "in" anyway? Gotta a song for you:

    She's got her pretty little bare feet hangin' out the window
    And they're headin' up to Vegas tonight
    How could (22) years just up and walk away
    Our little pony-tailed girl growed up to be a woman
    Now she's gone in the blink of an eye
    She left the suds in the bucket
    And the clothes hangin' out on the line

  • young hearts, be free..
    young hearts, be free..

    FreeWilly............ You're on the money again !!! Nicely put

  • stillAwitness

    b/c i still live at home

  • Cori

    I totally understand...you dont have a choice when your still at home, its follow the rules or else

  • AlmostAtheist
    They are not FORCING you to take their advice. That is the great thing about worshiping Jehovah, WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE!

    Interesting. Define "choice". After all, no one's forcing you not to murder people, deal drugs, steal cars -- but there is a penalty if you choose to do it. You have the choice of wearing a parachute or not when you jump from a plane, but again there are consequences...

    To say people inside the org have a choice is to be disingenuous. You must also acknowledge the severe consequences of such a choice -- which vary from person to person -- before you blithely state that it's "up to them".

    But you're right, they aren't forcing anyone to do anything. When you encourage someone to do something under threat of penalty, it's called "coercion", not "force".


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