Special meeting & a mini ramble about Xmas lights

by Why Georgia 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    We were out Christmas shopping and drove past the Kingdom Hall.

    7:30 pm on a saturday night..not an empty parking space to be found. There were more cars than when the Memorial happens.

    Drove by at 9:30 pm and more than 3/4's of the parking lot was still full...

    Why would there be a meeting? Hubby said maybe a special needs talk or the CO visiting.

    On a side note....Both houses on the sides of the KH were obnoxiously decorated with Christmas lights...I mean Christmas light overkill with the blow up Christmas things and many a plastic reindeer.

    I am going to go back and try to get a picture because it really made my day but then I felt bad for all the jw kids who have to go by it on their way to the meetings...made me sad for them.

    I'm done.


  • Scully

    The last couple of years I've had a hankering to sneak over to the local KH under cover of darkness and staple oodles of Christmas lights all over the building and landscaping, even pasting gift wrap and a big honking bow on the doors.

    Ironically (or hypocritically ), they have NO TRESPASSING signs at the entrances to the property.

  • oldflame


    I had thought about doing that too except I was thinking of doing it on Holloween......Can you imagine the look on their faces as they rush to get it all removed before their meeting ?

  • gumby


    The last couple of years I've had a hankering to sneak over to the local KH under cover of darkness and staple oodles of Christmas lights all over the building and landscaping, even pasting gift wrap and a big honking bow on the doors.

    LMAO! ...I'm not the picketing, sign carrying, convention bashin kinda guy......but it would be a hoot and a half to do what you just said. Maybe if we're ever at an apostofest together and the timings right....we could do such a dastardly deed. We could laugh about that till we croaked!

    I'm still gonna attend a hall somewhere ....waaaaay far from home, and go to the watchtower study and ask some sneaky apostate crap questions during the study.

    Decorating a hall with x-mas lights just cracks my arse up I tell ya. Maybe someone can use their photo suite and dummy up a kingdom hall for us all to see just what one would really look like with lights and some reindeer.



  • blondie

    Why Georgia, thanks for giving me a smile.

    Saturday night meetings

    Years ago, the CO used to have a question and answer meeting on Saturday night (New Things Learned), in addition to Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. They combined it with the book study on Thursday night due to poor attendance and preparation.

    Now, it could be a visiting home boy from Bethel with slides. An invited Bethel elder to give a talk or some other WT bigwig. Whatever, not on the standard WTS schedule. Some JWs think that "new light" or special tidbits from Bethel will be revealed that the other congregations won't have access to for awhile (until the gossip mill gets going). Sometimes other congregations will be invited to attend (BIO--by invitation only).

    Scully, interesting point on no trespassing signs. Do JWs in that area obey these signs when they see them on the laws on the people they call on pester? I will say even as a "faithful" JW I never went past a no trespassing sign (I even observed the no JWs signs). Unfortunately, I did not when it was no soliciting, after all, I wasn't "selling" anything.

    Blondie (love lights, have some generic lights up all year long)

  • Scully
    LMAO! ...I'm not the picketing, sign carrying, convention bashin kinda guy......but it would be a hoot and a half to do what you just said. Maybe if we're ever at an apostofest together and the timings right....we could do such a dastardly deed. We could laugh about that till we croaked!

    Seriously, I'd LMAO to watch the electric meter start humming into overdrive when it was all done and we plugged them in (with KrazyGlue, of course)....

    And to be on the receiving end of the call to 9-1-1 to report the "crime".... HA!!!!

    JW Elder: I want to report trespassing on private property.

    Dispatch: Was anything damaged?

    JW Elder: Well, a few people were traumatized emotionally, but no property damage ... just damn inconvenient taking down all 5 million of these Christmas lights.

    Dispatch: Someone put Christmas lights up for you and you're complaining?

    JW Elder: Maybe you don't understand. We're Jehovah's Witnesses and someone desecrated our house of worship by putting Christmas lights on it.

    Dispatch: You're kidding, right?

    JW Elder: Well we have a NO TRESPASSING sign. Someone obviously ignored it. They should be arrested.

    Dispatch: You're kidding, right?

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I personally would love to see someone decorate the kingdom hall with all kinds of holiday decorations...Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving...Then have a sign that says " We don't believe in any of this cr*p" I'm sure their neighbors would love them.


  • blondie

    Actually, I don't pay much attention, but except for nativity scenes (live or otherwise), do churches put up decorations?

    Blondie (going to be looking tomorrow)

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia


    A lot of the churches here decorate for Christmas. Quite a few of them have Nativity scenes, but some of the others have full blown chrismas light coverage.

    One of the Catholic Churches - La Sallette Shrine has a massive Christmas Light Festival with 50 different Nativity scenes from many different countries. We go every year and its amazing.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    If your going to do this deed - this would be the year for it - Xmas comes on Sunday. Sneek in and put them up in the middle of the nights Saturday Night. Then [if u are in cold climate] take a hypo with water and fill the locks with water. They will show up with no way to get in the hall - park a distance away and watch the inventive 'brothers' trying to get the lights down with no ladders and in the deep cold.

    No that is just too cruel - forget I said that!


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