Danny tell us more

by I quit! 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    I was approached about 3 years ago in a very public Bangor Maine public library by a 'plainclothes' police officer wearing a Brewer Maine PD cap on (out of his jurisdiction) and a loud 'police radio' turned on for everyone to hear (Radio Shack police scanner and get,this turned on loudly in the quiet zone library) He 'interogated' me about my activites.

    YUP,it was a J-dub doing a crude job of impersonating a cop to pump me for my private info and to get me pissed off at the real police.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are the scum of the earth.Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

    Danny I find this very interesting. Did the dub get arrested? I thought you could for impersonating an officer. I wonder if anyone else has had something like this happen to them. Jdubs have been known to sneak around trying to catch someon doing something undubish. If there is more to the story please go on.

  • DannyHaszard
    Danny I find this very interesting.; Did the dub get arrested?; I thought you could for impersonating an officer.

    Reply-i didn't file a complaint then,later i did go to district court and a talked with a sitting judge and sought a protection order which is posted at my site www.dannyhaszard.com I don't play their tit for tat twisted game.They have orders to have no contact with me,i have a no trespassing sign at my home and i rarely leave my well protected fortress.If they come after me it won't be a pretty picture. One of the advantages of living in a small town is all the powers that be know what's going on,they have no love for JW's and don't want the town on CNN with a negative incident. This same f**ker was stalking me elsewhere too (engaged me in the post office and asked me if i was going to the YMCA next stop which i was,this was to let me know he was on to my daily routine) Hey,they have slashed my tires made obscene phone calls and alluded to taping my phone and fax for 14 months when a JW had an office in the basement of a building (where the telephone junction box is) i was living in on Union street in Bangor Maine. Matthew 10:16;Jesus words:" ..be cautious as a serpent,but innocent as a dove.." To the Watchtower's twisted mindset,this means to take an obstructionist approach (stonewalling) to all pleas against them. In legal lingo this is known as,to: SUBORN PERJURY.It's against the law! My own case at my 'post purge' at the Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. The elders there filed a perjured police complaint and LIED (a Felony) that I was "egging cars" in their Kingdom Hall parking lot.The Judge threw the case out. Here in Bangor Maine they brought in an out of town, 'hit man' to harass my picketing.His tactic( no doubt WT$ A.O.P) was to repeatedly stop his van in the middle of the road and ask for directions ,feigning to be a lost traveler.This was a 'setup' to report me as a fanatic who was flagging down cars with my anti-WT message,to try to get me arrested. BE WARNED their tactic for opposer's on the outside is to instigate trumped up bogus false police complaints. The police and the court system are satan's s**t to them. They tried that on me,and now and I have made sure that all the law enforcement personnel in my county are aware of their nefarious sleaze.[big backfire]! What forensic psychologist say about cult leaders like Jim Jones and David Koresh. They are control freaks who will never abdicate control. They will choose death by suicide or a fiery fight to the very end. We can indeed see a comparison with the arrogant watchtower cult. There is nothing that they will not stoop to. The bastards all belong in jail themselves. There's is a supremacist extremist cult,they are the one true religion and that is that.

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