Outta the truth and Panic Free!!!

by PanicFreeAtLast 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PanicFreeAtLast

    Drepression, seclusion and panic attacks for almost 2 years and why? All because I was continually told if you do this that or the other and yadda, yadda, yadda..YOU'RE GOING TO DIE! Who says? The elders? Who are they to judge? The brothers/sisters? What makes them judge and jury to think they are much more perfect than me and lord their "so called" years of service to dictate to me? I'm outta the truth by CHOICE! I was not disfellowshipped nor was I disassociated...just got tired of the bullshit and havent been back and you know what? NO ONE EVER CALLED ON ME OR MY FAMILY! I'm sorry,, that was not the "truth"...We were called on twice and the first thing the elder said to me,,,get this..you will fall off your chair..Now keep in mind we hadnt been for over 2 years...THE FIRST THING OUTTA HIS MOUTH...as he sat at my kitchen table were these EXACT WORDS (QUOTE)..So...you been doing anything you're not suppose to?!!!! My jaw dropped to the floor and I wet my pants!!!lol After all that time not callin on us or anything and he had the odacity to come off with something like that?
    I am sooooooo glad to be outta the truth it's unbelievable! I happy doing what MAKES "ME" happy...I dont have to please anyone or make any one happy other than myself. Those were the most depressing 4/5 years of my life. Depriving my children of birthdays and christmas and everything else they needed to become "mentally" stable or atleast somewhat anyway! There is more to life than going to meetings and knocking on doors 24/7...No one wants a witness at their door @8am on a saturday morning! Hell! that was tooo early for me on a Saturday morning to be attacked by someones dog even!!lol But after all...I had my bookbag as a shield of protection with my watchtower/awake!lol I love humor and thats what keeps me going, so forgive me,,if i seem to way off here.
    I am setting up a Live chat for all EXWitnesses, cause I'm not much of a message board writer..I more of an interactor. Heres what you need to do to get to my new chat:
    Go to: www.geocities.com/chatwithusagain/index.html
    Type in: #Outta_the_truth
    My chat name will be lilHEN
    I look forward to seeing you all there and look forward to meeting ones who need advice and guidance.
    My homepage isnt complete and still underconstruction but will keep workin on it

  • Stacey

    And soon perhaps you might even come to call yourself "Out of the Lie". I cant bring myself to call it the "truth" anymore....


  • PanicFreeAtLast


    A lie it was and a lie it always will be! Keep strong and enjoy life to the fullest! I do believe that one day I will be taken outta this 'ILLUSION' of a world we live in only to reunite with ones gone before. Witnesses will never tell me otherwise that I cannot be forgiven and once i leave the truth,,,god doesnt any longer hear me! Well..ya know what? God does hear me and Christ died for ALL OUR SINS! You are smart leaving the lie where it lies. Keep in touch!

  • think41self

    Hi Panicfree,

    Welcome to this board! I am happy you and your children are enjoying life more now. Your evenings and weekends are free to be used for time with family, you CAN enjoy those holidays or special times with loved ones...yes the freedom is tremendous.

    By the way, there is already a chat room on this board. In the upper left corner you will see it. We go in there all the time, and we have a blast! I will look for you in there.


    "It is much more sensible to be an optimist instead of a pessimist, for if one is doomed to disappointment, why experience it in advance?"
    Amelia Peabody Emerson

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