To Thine Own Self Be True, Shakespeare vs the Watchtower

by joelbear 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    watchtower philosophy is basically not to trust yourself, often quoting i think Jeremiah, where it says something like humans don't even know how to walk straight. have to depend on Jehovah which is not specific enough to be of any use. does this mean, the bible, the insights you gain during prayer or meditation or a specific interpretation of god's thoughts as offered by a group of human interpreters.

    Shakespeare says you have to trust your own insight, judgement, etc. based on your own gut (experience) and brain (knowledge of facts)

    you cannot trust yourself if you are ignorant. you must educate yourself on everything which affects your life, which is everything.

    read, research, dedicate a percentage of your TV hours to educational programs, only listen to talk shows where both sides are represented equally or alternate between those of different opinions so you can evaluate differing viewpoints. write your own thoughts down.


  • daystar

    Surely Shakespeare was a Luciferian then. After all, the fundamental case presented in the Genesis account of the Garden of Eden is that mankind cannot make it on his own, must not trust his own judgement of what is "good" and what is "bad". The serpent claimed that when they chose to rebel, their eyes would be opened in knowing good and bad, for themselves.

    This fundamental argument has been used for good and ill throughout the centuries for the manipulation and control of the masses. "We" have contact with God. He tells us and only us what is "good" and what is "bad". You cannot know for yourself. Gnosis is Satanic and evil. Witches are Satanic and evil. Muslims are worshippers of Termagant and are Satanic and evil.

    Demonization of those who hold philosophies of life which are rather in opposition to one's own is a common tactic. And, I highly suspect, at the highest levels is done quite consciously to move the more superstitious, ignorant and unenlightened.

    That being said, I adore that particular piece of his...

    This above all: to thine own self be true,

    And it must follow, as the night the day,

    Thou canst not then be false to any man,

    Farewell; my blessing season this in thee!

  • atypical

    Good post, Joelbear. I agree, the watchtower treats people as though they are too stupid to figure out what is right and wrong, even telling them who they are allowed to speak to. I used that point when arguing about disfellowshipping with my mother. I asked her why we have a system that eliminates any personal decision as to which people may be a good or bad influence for us. If someone is a thief, a user, potentially dangerous or otherwise harmful to be around, it doesn't take much of a brain to figure that out. But the watchtower system is that we have to sit back and let someone else announce from the platform that somebody is "bad".

    Therefore, we end up with rotten people in good standing at the hall, and good honest people who are disfellowshipped, and we are supposed to treat them according to their congregational standing, because we aren't supposed to think for ourselves in any way.

  • atypical

    Sorry, I feel a rant coming on. To take it a little further - I've been thinking about this subject a lot. As you said Joelbear, the watchtower teaches us that we cannot trust ourselves, we can only look to them to tell us what to think. They do not want anybody to depend on themselves, except for a few things. Here's a list of what they expect us to do for ourselves:

    Get up in the morning

    Go to work

    Make a living

    Pay our bills

    Make sure there is money left to donate to the watchtower

    Buy dress clothes for meetings

    Prepare for meetings

    Buy a four door car

    Finish with work and all other responsibilities in time for meeting

    Get ready and show up for five meetings a week

    Get up early on Saturday and go in service

    After that, though, we are supposed to become suddenly incapable of thinking and totally dependent. Even if we have a problem at the hall, we are supposed to "wait on Jehovah". So basically, do everything for yourself, ask for nothing, give what little you have, and then do exactly what we tell you.

    And be thankful for it, you good for nothing slave!!

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