Anybody seen Ohiocowboy?

by littlerockguy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • littlerockguy

    I havent noticed Ohiocowboy on here in a while? Is he around? Was he at the Apostafest? I sent him a PM and he hasn't responded. I had his email but dont have it anymore and I dont know if he comes here enough for me to even bother sending him a PM, lol.

  • ohiocowboy


    I haven't been posting much, I have been feeling depressed being in Dallas. My van was broken into recently, they stole a lot of stuff out of it that I was going to take to the warehouse, and they busted my window and my dash to get the stereo. They got some of my Lalique, and several other things of value, including an inlaid box that had my family pictures in it. Someone elses car that was parked next to me was also broken into the same night. A couple weeks previous, I had my bicycle stolen from the 2nd floor balcony, and before that, the previous maintenance person that used to live here still had a master key to the units, and he was caught going into people's apartments. The area I live in is full of drug dealers, and some live in the same complex I am in. I become afraid with all of the drug traffic in and out all night. One dealer was just arrested 2 days ago, but there are still quite a few around. I try to ignore things going on, as I do not want any trouble with any of them, but I am finding it hard to even leave my apartment. If they break in, I am fearful that they will hurt my dog. Material possessions can be replaced, but my little girl can't be.

    The area I am in seemed so nice, but I guess appearances are deceiving.

    I wanted so much to go to the fest last week, but I have not been well with my emotions, out of the blue I start to cry sometimes. My other half Dave is also worried about things, and we are figuring out what to do, maybe find a better part of Dallas or even check out Ft. Worth.

    It was so nice that you thought about me, it is appreciated very much

    Hopefully things will start looking up soon, I need to start coming back out of my shell.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    That or just get out of Texas.

  • cruzanheart

    Hey, friend, you know you're welcome to bring Chelsea up here anytime you need to. (Yourselves too, if you need to get away.) I'm sorry that part of town didn't work out as you had hoped, but I swear not all of Dallas is like that!! [thwacks Enigma upside the head]



  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Hey! That hurt! :) It's not my fault you live in a bad neighborhood.....I mean state.

    From the FBI Crime Statistics:

    In the year 2000 Texas had an estimated population of 20,851,820. For that year the State of Texas had a total Crime Index of 4,955.5 reported incidents per 100,000 people. This ranked the state as having the 8th highest total Crime Index.

    For Violent Crime Texas had a reported incident rate of 545.1 per 100,000 people. This ranked the state as having the 13th highest occurrence for Violent Crime among the states.

    For crimes against Property, the state had a reported incident rate of 4,410.4 per 100,000 people, which ranked as the state 10th highest. Also in the year 2000 Texas had 5.9 Murders per 100,000 people, ranking the state as having the 17th highest rate for Murder.

    Texas’s 37.7 reported Forced Rapes per 100,000 people, ranked the state 17th highest. For Robbery, per 100,000 people, Texas’s rate was 145.1 which ranked the state as having the 16th highest for Robbery.

    The state also had 356.3 Aggravated Assaults for every 100,000 people, which indexed the state as having the 13th highest position for this crime among the states. For every 100,000 people there were 906.3 Burglaries, which ranks Texas as having the 12th highest standing among the states. Larceny - Theft were reported 3,057.4 times per hundred thousand people in Texas which standing is the 10th highest among the states.

    Vehicle Theft occurred 446.8 times per 100,000 people, which fixed the state as having the 13th highest for vehicle theft among the states

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Ohiocowboy!!!!!!! I am so glad you finally checked in here!! I looked all over hemps house for you. I was really looking forward to the marmite, you were supposed to bring. OK, so eyebrow is throwing the next fest in Dec. (find her thread) I expect you all to be there. I had such a good time talking and meeting everyone.

    But I missed YOU, NINA, and BIGTEX, and BILLYGOAT.

    Move to a better area. Maybe the suburbs? I am so sorry for such major trouble. Hurry and get out of there, feel better, and do wonderful in your business. Don't you do antiques? Tuesday night, the choir at childs school had an auction. Each child brought 4 items. I bought a Silverware box, almost full with 10 sets of place servings of Holmes and Edwards IS silverware. I looked it up, and it is called Queen May. I figure that I can get some extra pieces at flea markets or antique stores. I bought it all for $47.50. That made up for the $50.00 worth of Sam Moon purses and luggage I bought just for the auction, and they only brought $21.00. That made me sick.

    Hope to meet you soon!! HL

    edited, the silverware actually came out of the homemaking class. The teacher passed away last year, and they were cleaning out a bunch of closets etc. that day. The principal called the choir teacher down, and asked her if she wanted it for her auction. I also bid on everything else nobody wanted. Got tons of stuff for $! or $2. each. Did I say stuff? I mean trash. But it was for the kids.

  • lonelysheep

    (((Ohiocowbory))) I hope you get into another area soon.

  • xjwms

    I heard about your van when I was in Dallas.

    I'm sorry I was not able to meet you.

    Maybe sometime soon.

    Wishing you a great weekend.

  • ohiocowboy

    Thank you all for the kind thoughts!

    Hopefully things will get better soon. Last Saturday things may have come to a head. One of the dealers in the building got into a fight with another dealer that does not live here, and the guy was waving around a gun. The police came armed with AK47's. Scary thought to be in the middle of this crap. I did find out that the DEA has been watching the building, so maybe it will get safer soon. It is kinda scary even posting these things, as I am trying to mind my own business, and keep to myself, but in a way it feels good to get it off my chest.

    We will still look for a nicer area, maybe a house in a residential neighborhood, that way we won't be living inner city.

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