Shouldn't JW's get tax exemptions when doing their income tax report

by JH 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Since witnesses have to spend so much money going door to door and getting dressed up and since they are recognized as "ministers", and since the JW's are recognized as a religion by the governement , shouldn't there be a tax refund or exemption to help pay for all JW expenses when each and every JW makes out his imcome tax report?

    I'm sure that Ministers in the Catholic religion get money from the governemnt for all kids of stuff, like their cars for example.

    Have you noticed that their license plates are different just like the cops or city workers....Probably they don't even pay for that too.

  • JH

    JW's aren't just asked to go to their "church" or "Kingdom Hall", like any other religious member. They are demanded to go door to door and to meetings out of town and have a dress code.

    If the JW as an Organization doesn't pay tax on property to the government, why should the ministers who make up that religion, not have also a certain tax benefit when doing their income tax report?

  • HappyDad

    For many years in the 1970's and 1980's I was able to take the long form on my income tax. I always deducted mileage along with what I spent for breaks and even what I paid for suits and sports coats. Back in the 70's it was allowed to deduct clothing if it was for the ministry or other professions. Then the govt. changed it somewhere along the line.

    However, I continued deducting all the mileage spent in door knocking. All the money I spent on conventions and assemblies for food and lodging along with transportation was also deducted along with contributions.

    The only reason I started doing this in the first place was because of the urging of a circuit overseer we had who told us we had every right to do so. WE WERE MINISTERS spending our time and money taking care of religious needs.


  • tfsm

    I was so poor when I was a dub I didn't worry about taxes! Seriously though, I knew a brother who did the long form thing and deducted lots of expenses. He also was a self-employed janitor (is that a witness thing or what?) and would deduct all kinds of stuff that he bought for his "business".

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