They act worse than the world !

by ScaryHairy 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScaryHairy

    When growing up, have you ever notice what the "good witnesses" got away with ? I mean if you were baptized, and pioneering or out alot in service, you couldnt do anything wrong. I have heard of booze, immoral behaivor, and etc ... are the norm for young get togethers now. Its just sick, just feel like venting !

  • twinflame

    I used to hear the stories all the time from my kids. It was apalling what those goody-goodies were really doing. And of course they never got in trouble. I'm sure we've all seen it.

  • searching4?

    Yes, it used to piss me off, especially because I was consider bad association. Jak-witnesses they are, but it doesn't matter anymore. Thank God! I understand how you're feeling

  • Jordan

    If you were an Elder or Ministerial Servants kid you could get away with anything. Anyone from a single parent family, and all you have to do is sneeze during the prayer to get reprimanded.

  • Jobees

    OMG that is so true. My dad wasn't a witness and we were treated like lepers (sp) all the time. We were always corrected by the elders for every little thing.

  • theinfamousone

    its funny how much the elder kids and i got away with... (i was one of the elder kids)... i got pulled into the backroom once and told thatthey knew about my "worldly" gf and i was like ok, here it comes... they told me thatthey werent going to tell anyone, but i should really end it.... and that was one of the very many things i had dealt with...

    clubbing, strip clubs, "immorality", naked parties, and so so much more...

    the infamous one


    I wouldnt generalize since there are always young idividuals who "act out" and do bad (normal) things and there are some who are total goodie goodie's (total JW brainwash).

    I do agree though that some do behave worse than some nomn-witnesses I know.

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