Got my return visit today!

by gringojj 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • gringojj

    So the witnesses came back today to discuss more with me. It was 2 late 20 yr old men. I will just give a brief recap.

    They told me in the bible it said the earth was a sphere long before people knew it. I told them it says circle in the bible and they said that circle was the english translation but the greek word meant sphere but it was translated as circle. I told them it wouldnt take too much for a deep thinking person to conclude the earth was round, or a sphere.

    They said that a gobal flood took place 4000 years ago. I said how could all the animals fit on one ark? They said just the basic kinds were on the ark. I said how can we get all our species from just the basic kinds without evolution? He wrote those concerns as well as how could 8 people take care of so many animals down and will find out for the return visit next week.

    Heres the big one. In regards to false prophecies, he said jehovahs org. never predicted these things. He said it was men who were apostate. The false prophet rule applies to men within the org, but not the org itself. Same thing with misquotations. It was men who were in essence trying to sabotage the wts from within. He talked about the case of Ray Franz without saying his name. All the apostates to try and bash the witnesses.

    So I asked him how can we know that the stuff we are getting from the wts now isnt from apostates. I dont recall he gave an answer other than it is the true religion because in the bible it says by thier fruits you will know them.

    Anyways I have to go but I will post more later if I think of anything. Basically I would bring up a point and they would drone on for 5 minutes about something else it was annoying.

  • ozziepost
    true religion because in the bible it says by thier fruits you will know them

    I thought the "true religion" was christianity? By their own words, they acknowledge that JWs are a different religion to that?

  • gringojj

    Oh they also said god is not all powerful because he cannot lie. So there are limits to what he can do. Has the wts ever said there is nothing god cant do?

  • Finally-Free
    Oh they also said god is not all powerful because he cannot lie.

    So I guess the watchtower society has one up on Jehovah, because they can lie.


  • ColdRedRain

    Ray Franz, the uberapostate made this quote up, THREE YEARS AFTER HE WAS DISFELLOWSHIPPED!!!

    Yes, they have. One interesting example can be seen clearly in the following two quotes from official Watchtower publications where a prophecy is shared, then, in a later publication, it is denied that the prophecy was ever given. "Jehovah's prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: 'This generation [of 1914] will by no means pass away until all things occur.' (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired and unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment of his Son's words in a relatively short time... Yes, you may live to see this promised New Order, along with the survivors of the generation of 1914." Watchtower -- May 15, 1984, pp. 6-7.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    I said how could all the animals fit on one ark? They said just the basic kinds were on the ark. I said how can we get all our species from just the basic kinds without evolution? He wrote those concerns as well as how could 8 people take care of so many animals down and will find out for the return visit next week.

    Thats pretty good gringo, you had them taking notes on your door step. LOL. Keep up the good work.

  • gringojj

    I was not too happy with the way things went.

    I guess it equates to this: Lets say I claim I am the reincarnation of George Washington. Can you prove I am not? If you cant disprove that I am, does that mean that that I definately am?

    One place they got me was that they said you need a deep understanding of the bible and i suppose that is true because they were able to reference things against the bible and since i dont know what they are referencing in context i cant refute things. But i will not spend the time to thoroughly learn the bible because its worthless to me.

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