Very delightful sight..

by jt stumbler 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    At Barnes&Nobles the other day I was curiously browsing the faith section of books and low 'n behold I saw COC. It felt good to see it there because when I wanted to read it, I had to order it. Has anyone else found this book in stock at any major book stores? Thanks

  • misanthropic

    Really? Barnes & Nobles had it? Well I looked everywhere at all the new bookshops and the used bookshops as well but I ended up buying it online.

  • Seeker4

    I had a bit of a different experience when I found CoC. I live in a small town in Vermont - 4500 population. There is a great bookstore in this town, and one day about a decade or so ago, there, IN THE WINDOW DISPLAY, was CoC. I went in and bought it.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I went to Barns & Noble to purchase it but they didn't have it or ISoCF in stock. I purchased my copy on e-bay.

  • deblaning

    Excuse me, but I'm new here. What's CoC? Thanks-Debbie

  • chrissy

    hi debbie and welcome btw :o). COC is Ray Franz, former governing body member's, book (crisis of conscience). an official must read for any exie.

  • forsharry

    I had to buy mine on amazon dot com. And I actually found that he (Ray) had published a book while going through cult sites. (I get on these kicks where I'll start researching something and then I'll go the gambit to collect EVERY SINGLE BIT of information I can. That day it was scientology. I ended up buying a book from Raymond Franz.) Go figure. :)

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Excuse me, but I'm new here. What's CoC? Thanks-Debbie

  • deblaning

    Oh, duh! Thanks Chrissy for the reply and welcome. I've been out since 1964 & this is my first time talking to any ex dubs (finally figured out what "dubs" were today, another duh!. Actually, I bought "Crisis of Conscience" some years back along with his first, "In Search of Christian Freedom" on a web site when I was searching one day. Wonderful books. I read them at a time I was feeling particularly vulnerable (I still have family in the Society). Not only did I find them facinating but they confirmed my own feelings that I had had for years. It helped and was a comfort. You take with you so much baggage when you leave.


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