So long, and thanks for all the fish!

by daystar 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    Since I began posting on JWD not too long ago, I have spent many hours here. Much of it has been enlightening, some of it frustrating, and some of it downright painful.

    I discovered that I hadn't quite confronted some issues so much as shelved them. It forced me to confront the reality that we are not always as whole as we perhaps believe ourselves to be.

    The scenery along my path is different that it was when I started 32 years ago. Perhaps dealing with some of these shelved issues will help me to progress further.

    In any case, I want to express my appreciation for this board's existence and each and every member here, and, of course, Simon.

    At this point my activity here is going to be much lighter than it has been. Now that I seem to have broken through the rather less-than-humble assumption that I had grown beyond certain things, I don't see that it does much good for me to continue... obsessing so much about this past I have by staying glued to JWD. Now is the time for healing.

    I will touch base here on occasion and I will try to make it to the event here in Dallas next month. If you wish to catch my attention, feel free to PM me here as I will check every few days at least, for now.

    To all of you and in fact everyone, sincere love. My hope is that you will all find what you are searching for.


  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey take care Daystar. I've always enjoyed your posts and I hope to hear from you again man.

    A toast to the winners!


  • TheListener

    Good luck on your journey Daystar.

    I hope to be where you are one day.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Yep, your thoughts were always a welcome addition to the threads. You'll be missed.

    (Hey, at least hang around until you're a jedi, you're almost there!)


  • Now What?
    Now What?

    Best of Luck to you!

    It's great to hear that you are continuing on the journey towards healing. Cheers to you!

  • Legolas

    Take care Daystar, I will miss you!

  • daystar

    Thanks, all of you!

    AlmostAtheist, I thought about that, but decided... eh, doesn't matter really.

    I'll be around, just not nearly as often.

  • Es

    all the best, i will miss you


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