Are we prey for the taking, from people in other religions?

by free2beme 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    When I told people I was no longer a Witness, I had some weird things happen with people in other religions. One, I had a sister of one my friends call me and offer to bring a de-programmer to my house to help me learn the truth about Jesus Christ. Sounded like a programing, and not a de-programing. I had people bring books, video tapes, and all sort of other information to me from other Christian faiths. Honestly, I felt like one of those African nature videos. You know the ones were the gazelle gets away from the heard and all the lions prey on them as they are alone and weak. I was a fighter though, and told more then a few a piece of my mind. I did attend some other Christian churches, that did not appeal to me. I ended up taking martial arts heavy, got into Pagan faiths on my own with no pressure from others and went on with my life. Yet just a couple weeks back, someone I work with heard I used to be a Witness years ago and offered me a Bible study and tried to get me to their church. In my local newspaper is a ad that says, "Former Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons needing support and help, please call 555-5555" and if you call it, you get a extreme Christian church that is here locally. I am convinced that other Christian religions smell the blood of your exit and sniff their way to try and get you.

    Anyone else feel this way, or experience this type of stuff? If not, and your newly out, use caution ... it is a real thing that happens.

  • AuldSoul

    In my opinion, no one that leaves this organization is prey unless they let themselves be. But there does seem to be active recruitment of ex-JWs and ex-Mormons. I think it has to do with a desire to infuse churches with some good ol'-fashioned zealotry.


  • banished1

    I think alot of the attention an exjw gets from another religion is if the ex seems lost and confused and deeply unhappy and flapping around in a drowning motion.
    This only brings out their true concern and evangelism.
    When I left I told very few people and only those who were neutral religiously.
    I think to be pulled and tugged at by other religions would be a very uncomfortable situation indeed!

  • Jamelle

    I've never been actively pressured to join another church or learn a new way of thinking. I wonder if efforst like this vary depending on region, or if I've just been lucky.

    When I was leaving the org I was surrounded by a close knit group of people at the small company I worked for. I had already "witnessed" to them of just what the JW's were all about. They were without fail very supportive of my decision to leave especially when they saw my subsequent treatment at the hands of family.

    I too would recommend anyone that is leaving the JW's to be very cautious of jumping right back into another faith. Take some time to think things through for yourself - find out how YOU feel about things - and then look for a faith that will complement that.

  • free2beme

    I would like to make clear that I think we are seen a prey, not that we are ... unless we allow ourselves to be.

  • Seeker4

    I came out with my teeth bared and my swords flashing. I didn't have an iota of doubt, and pity the soul that wanted to recruit me for another religion!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I've had people try to push religion down my throat. I don't take it too well.

    I think some believe this is their opportunity to win me over to Christ. Preaching at me won't do it. I know the routine by heart and it just tastes too bad for me to swallow.

    I have had friends who know my situation and wait for me to ask questions.

    The best defence is to recognize the controls techniques. Know them to so well you can see them when people use them on you.

    Many who leave the JWs feel lost. Their whole belief system has collapsed around them. Those who still have a need to believe in God and want to serve him need to take time and explore. Take time to check out what they teach.

    I had the hardest time thinking I had to accept everything they taught. But most churches aren't the WTS who demand total allegience and obedience. What I have learned however is that like most things in life you take what works for you nad leave the rest.

    Cultic groups (high control groups) don't have to be religious. They can be financial, political, psychological, social. Once you know the mind control techniques you can protect yourself from those who think they are helping you but in reality they are setting another trap

  • stillajwexelder

    being an ex-witness makes one LESS prone to other religions IMHO

  • Mysterious

    Ive found that a lot of mainstream or radical christians alike have no love for JWs and see them as a perversion of the Christian faith. They are only too happy that you saw the error of their ways and have now come away from that. I remember a friend back in high school having heated debates with me about the trinity and trying to convince me to come to her evangelical church. Yes they do prey on ex-JWs but no more than JWs certainly preyed on those who were disillusioned with another religion.

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