A more effective way to spare the lives of billions!

by AuldSoul 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AuldSoul

    At the outset I wish to make clear I am not an advocate of the course of action discussed herein. I do not agree with the Governing Body's teachings on the result of the Good News of the kingdom.

    But if I did:

    I would have to recognize that (1) it takes more than 4,000 hours (in fact, about 188 days of 24-hours straight per day) of Witnessing to gain one baptized Witness, (2) persons taught "The Truthâ„¢" are more accountable before God than the rest of society, (3) those who "hear and reject" may very well be deemed deserving of eternal destruction at Armageddon, (4) there is about 1 JW publisher per 1,200 people, (5) those who die before Armageddon are very likely to be resurrected because their sins are paid for, and (6) there is no greater expression of love than being willing to sacrifice your own life for the lives of others.

    This being the case, even if it cost me my everlasting life to do it (see point 6) I could save many more people in a much shorter time by killing everyone I see. I could potentially save almost all my classmates into the New System in one day! It takes over 4,000 hours to teach someone, but it only takes a few minutes to kill a lot of people. Once they die, their sins are paid for and Jehovah will lovingly welcome them into His New System.

    Does the teaching lead to warped and destructive thinking? I thought that out when I was 9.


  • Satanus

    Yes, of course. Your own life would be forfiet, both in the eyes of jehovah and in the world, unless you really, really repented. But, that's a small price to pay for the salvation of hundreds of people. It would be the highest form of selfless service, which the wt extolls. Those people would be resurrected into the new system where they would see the kingdom in action: sheep playing w lions, people having hundreds of happy kids, perfect health, etc, etc.


    Ps, this shows the total illogic of the wt worldview, their escatology and ther understanding of the bible

  • jgnat


    I was going to suggest a satellite telecast, broadcast around the world simultaneously. One would have to distribute solar-powered or handcrank televisions/laptops in a good part of the third world, but surely the expense would be worth it...


  • Qcmbr

    Dead people can't have kids. Families are a fundamental part of the way people come into physical existence. Fewer people means fewer children , means fewer going to heaven/living on paradise earth. So killing people would not benefit the plan IMHO.

  • AuldSoul

    Once the world is wired to the Internet the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society will crumble under the weight of its own lies.


  • AuldSoul
    Dead people can't have kids. Families are a fundamental part of the way people come into physical existence. Fewer people means fewer children , means fewer going to heaven/living on paradise earth. So killing people would not benefit the plan IMHO.

    Qcmbr, I was talking about from the standpoint of JWs, not from the standpoint of LDS. From the standpoint of JWs, their kids won't even make it through grade school in this old wicked system, much less grow old enough to have kids. And the gathering of the 144,000 is already complete, nobody else going to heaven. So, kill 'em all now and everyone goes to paradise!

    From their standpoint, it is much more efficient as a means of saving millions.


  • skinnyboy

    lol great topic Auld mate!

    As long as people give the dubs and the rest of religion the short shrift they deserve, the world will be a brighter place!

    Once the digital divide is bridged, the world will be a better place, but there will always be those around who choose to be led like lambs to the slaughter, let them be I say. If humankind is to survive the next century, we need to stop apologising to the lowest common denomination and dumbing down intellect, freethinking and our explorer spirit. The people that spend their lives in a religious man made euphoria deserve to live that life, let them go!

  • Hellrider

    I can imagine a few people I wouldn`t mind "saving", ha ha.

    Bang, bang, you`re saved. Imagine that, I just gave up my eternal life for your salvation. You better be grateful (well, once you`re ressurected, that is).

    God, how sick. Anyway, I think this has been "done to death" (ha ha) allready. Jim Jones, David Koresh, that insanely crazy UFO-sect a few years ago, which I can`t remember the name of (but I remember that they all killed themselves and eachother so that they could go back to the "mothership", ha ha). Oh yeah, and the qoncuistadors killed of those heathen indians to save their immortal souls, witches were burned over Europe to accomplish the same, and so on. It`s not a new idea, it`s been done to death.

  • Carmel

    Was this rationale the source of "kill a commie for Christ"?


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