Pioneer Book

by ScaryHairy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScaryHairy

    I was wondering if anyone had the pioneer book, whats in it ?

    I am just curious cause no one else beside pioneers are suspose to see it.

    Anyone know if it is availible online somewhere ?


  • mineralogist

    I don't know what's in it, even if my wife owns one. As a dub i thought it's not for me, and now i'm no longer interested.

  • DannyHaszard
    secret pioneer book is cult cloak & dagger esotericism-
    esoteric beliefs or practices: beliefs or practices that are arcane, mysterious, or secret
  • Periodic Bedlam
    Periodic Bedlam

    I threw mine away a few years back. It was basically an outline of the same information everyone got for years in the WT or at the Service meeting. No paragraphs and answers. Each chapter was just an outline with scripture references (like parts of the United in Worship book are).

    Shhhhhhhhh keep the contents secret! Don't let anyone see it! Only a pioneer who went to pioneer school can see inside! --- as if it was anything new!

    As a teenager I remember being out in service with a pioneer. She went on a return visit and took the other person in the car with her. There I was left in the car alone and right in front of me was her pioneer book. Boy was I tempted. But if I looked at it, Jehovah would see. He would know. It was only to be looked at by those privileged enough to attend pioneer school (gag me now!). So, I never looked! Faithful in least=Faithful in much is what I told myself.

    Years later when I did pioneer and got my own copy, I thought about what a carrot it was to dangle in front of the average publisher. Make the book out to be something "super special" that only the "super special" get to view. Make the average publisher feel inferior or not good enough to have their eyes see such a "super special" book. Emphasize those spiritual class distinctions in the congregation. Elevate those pioneers. Make them the "popular" crowd that everyone wants to be a part of. Joining their club has privilages like going to a special school (imagine the Service meeting all day for 2 weeks) and getting a special book (imagine 10 years of the Kingdom Ministry in book form). Kind of reminds me of high school when I look back at it. It is no wonder that the average publisher regularly felt guilty for not doing enough or being good enough.

    I'd better shut up now before I reveal any more pioneer secrets!

  • carla

    Was there a secret handshake to go along with the secret book?

  • IP_SEC

    I still have mine, although I think it's been revised or is a new book altogether.

    Shining as Illuminators.

    Topics include

    Effective use of the bible,

    Cooperating with the elders

    Establishing new congos

    How sistas should accept the headship of brothas

    bla bla bla,

    It is stoopid that it is a secret book. There is nothing in it that you cant find in the WT or other publications.

  • blondie

    It is not like the Elders book which does have material that while it "may" be in other WT publications is next to impossible to find.

    It is an outline full of scriptures used during discussions in class.

    The only interesting thing I learned was making return visits only 2 days after placing a publication or having a good discussion, not with the view of placing more literature but talking more about the Bible.

    In our class the CO stopped at a garage sale when we were being "trained" in door to door putting to lie the rumors that JWs shouldn't buy things at them because they would be demonized.

    Actually, I enjoyed mine. It was the first time we actually looked up and talked about scripture rather than regurgitating what was on the page of the publication.

    No secrets in this one.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    So many deep spiritual secrets!

    • Effective use of the Bible -- if you are using a ladder on uneven ground, the NWT is especially suitable for placement under one leg of the ladder, which will make the ladder either more stable or less stable, as suits your purpose.

    • How to identify and use manna to supplement your meager pioneer diet.

    • "Theocratic Dumpster Diving" can yield not only nearly edible food, but clothing, too - sometimes simultaneously!

    • The secrets of a profitable cucumber-growing business.

    • How to operate a sucessful window washing business even if you're afraid of heights by specializing in basement windows.

    • The art and science of whitewashing tombs.

    I think those are some of the tips, but I might be a little confused, maybe that was a different secret book.

  • Toronto_Guy

    I was in pioneer school Dec. mentioned, the book didn't contain anything that would qualify as "secret". There was some interesting information but I hardly ever looked in the book after I got it.

    I'm not sure what came of this but just before I left I heard about a plan the society had to send long time pioneers, and pioneers who have already been to pioneer school, back to pioneer school for another 2 weeks of updated


  • juni

    Heh Blondie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did that co subtract that time spent at the garage sale or was that his 15 minute break? juni

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