What is the latest date now in the WT for Armegeddon?

by Sheepish 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sheepish

    I am brand new here tonight, so forgive me if this info is available and I haven't been able to find it. I heard somewhere that they have now given 2006 as the next possible time? Is this true? Or have they finally caught on that they are never right?

  • DanTheMan

    I haven't heard anything about 2006, but 2034 has been hinted at:


  • skinnyboy

    So by that rationale we should all know when the next "terrorist" attack on our "freedoms" is by adding up the dates, and dividing them by the number of members in the "cell" dividing it by the birthdate of Osama, then, carrying the 2, you should come out at...... TODAY??? omg, the horror, do i dare tell anyone of this, or should i keep it to my self lest i feel foolish?

    Its about as plausible!

  • Sheepish

    True that, I was only wondering for the sake of relating to my family members who are still JWs.It helps to know if they are expecting the end next year, cause if it doesn't happen I have a distinct opening again!

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