Do you have this conversation, as I do?

by xjwms 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    This last week my wife and I are out shopping at a department store. My wife is active and I am not.

    We meet an active sister from the cong we used to go to about 22 years ago. Once upon a time, as couples, we were best of friends, you know, out to dinners and entertaianing at home. We are same ages and so forth. She is working at this store as a clerk.

    Heres the conversation: HER: I can't believe we (her and husband) are still working so hard to make ends meet. I never thought I would be this age and working full time.

    (Meaning that the end has not yet come, and we were planning on that so we would not be working so hard.)

    I really wanted to start ... however she was at work and getting paid. So I said, Why don't we get together, and get caught up soon? She agreed that she would like that.

    Her husband knows I am not active as a JW, because he did stop at my house some time ago, and got an ear full.

    Oh well lets see what happens.

  • Crumpet

    oh xjms my parents are a similar age to you and i wonder frequently if they ever doubt the end given that I was not supposed to have left high school before it happened, hence they didn't bother with certain vaccinations.

    I hope they do come round and that you can renew your friendship and let them in gentlyu on what is the real truth. If they were my parents I'd really wish it soo hard

  • xjwms

    Thanks Crumpet

    Its like they can't hear themselves talk.

    Hey, ... being in the 50's without a retirement plan, is not a good idea.

  • blondie

    Negative Nellies is what I call them. You are safe to complain to because you're "out" and who would believe you.

    As one sister said to me, "I wasn't supposed to die in this system," as she approaches 90.

    "millions now living will never die"

    I guess she isn't one of the millions.


    w95 2/15 p. 9 There Will Be a Resurrection of the Righteous ***

    Many who had hoped to be among the "millions" who would never die have indeed died


    w94 6/1 p. 32 Attend the "Godly Fear" District Convention! ***

    In the following discourse, "Saved Alive Through the Great Tribulation," an explanation will be provided of Jesus’ marvelous promise regarding those who will never die at all.—John 11:26.

    The WTS giveth and the WTS taketh away.


  • xjwms


    How True

    So True.

  • startingover

    I used to hear comments like that, when I was viewed as weak. I no longer hear them as now the JW's know I will make comments they don't want to hear. And besides that, they are trying to "win me over without a word", so everything has to be positive. Occasionally someone will slip and I can see my wife cringe because she knows what I am thinking.

  • xjwms


    My wife just rolls her eyes.

    Oh, and the look, ... ya know the look.

  • jgnat

    Do you notice that these conversations come with a sigh and a shrug and "oh, well"? It seems to me there are more women than men that do this. I swear, some women love the martyr's robe. They wouldn't know WHAT to do on a GOOD DAY.

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