by wallsofjericho 83 Replies latest members private

  • wallsofjericho

    (I decided to make this post from my other topic -

    its own thread as it is worthy of its own conversation)


    i ran into an old friend the other day who has several responsibilities with District Conventions, he said to me that a friend of his in bethel said the rumor in bethel is that NO assemblies will be more than ONE DAY(yes, even regional conventions) and that these will all be held in circuit assembly halls

    he then proceeded to break down the financials to explain why this change makes so much sense. His estimate was a savings of $500,000 per day for the Society for DC's - but he reiterated that this was still only a rumor

    now all that money can be paid to the WTS in rental ($10.50/day per publisher he told me) for use of the CA halls through the summertime.

    this would net TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars annually in the WTS coffers.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Well we will have to keep our ear to the ground on this one and see what plays out. It shall be interesting.

  • ILoveTTATT

    That... Would be awesome. No three day conventions!! Yaaay!!

  • JeffT

    Financially it makes a lot of sense. Why rent big expensive venues when they can do the same thing in stuff in their own hall and collect the rent themselves? Nothing goes on at those assemblies that couldn't be handled in a smaller venue (except for the hype) and they can sell it to the R&F who will rejoice at the new simplified arrangment.

  • Finkelstein

    and they probably realize now they ran out of bullshit to sell to people anyways, so realistically that even makes more sense.

    Go light on the sheep so they don't think about wondering off.

    We still need the money to survive.

  • baldeagle

    Sounds plausible to me. After all everything else has already been clawed back, reduced and lovingly simplified by the GB.

    The new mantra for the last part of the “last days” seems to be, “Less Is More.” The GB is clearly analyzing every aspect, and each department of their WTS business model. I really believe these self-deluded leaders have been totally caught off guard with 100 years going by, and no Armageddon yet. The year 2014 was never supposed to have happened. No one could have guessed the sweeping and widespread changes created by the Internet and the digital age. Many companies are checking and changing their business model in order to compete and stay in the game.

    The GB with the help of lawyers, IT people, and highly skilled money managers are essentially saying, “Show Me The Money.”

  • sir82

    Financially it is brilliant.

    They are probably thinking, "JWs contribute principally for the new literature at assemblies. What if we continue to release new stuff at a one day assembly? Contributions will remain at nearly the same as they would have been for 3 days but expenses will be cut by at least 2/3".

    I suspect that the New NWT roll-out at the AGM last October, where the new Bibles were released to those in attendance at assembly halls in the US & UK, was a test drive of the logistics needed to release "secret" new literature at the smaller assembly hall venues.

    They are slashing expenses left and right. What is their end game?

    I always thought that comments made on this forum about "maybe the GB / legal / service department will just take the money and run" were extraordinarily farfetched & cynical. Maybe I ought to remove the "extraordinarily" from my thought.

  • smiddy

    Probably most of the donations occur on the first day of an assembly / convention , so it makes sense not to incur more expenses for extra days and receive small contributions for the extra cost. All of these adjustments we are hearing enforces our conviction that this is a business with the principal concern of saving the spending of money , and optimising the potential of increasing their assets with the minimun of outlay .


  • JWdaughter

    Totally brilliant, not only do they save the expenses of a 3 day assembly, they can remind the faithful ones (to the WT)of how much less it is now costing them and how they should donate the difference for the important "work" to be done.

  • Listener

    Rather than serving up full three course meals, they are producing dehydrated portions. Makes sense, most JWs seem to be living on the moon.

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