What is my Disability?

by KateWild 51 Replies latest members private

  • KateWild

    I have a disability that is hereditary, others in my family are also disabled. It has been a particularly bad couple of weeks for us and the strain has got to me. I don't even know anymore what is and isn't JW related. But there was always discrimination in the WT for us.

    Many of you will have it, and many will have heard of it. The reported stats are that 1 in 100 have this disability. Rubbish! I beleive it's 1 in 4. In my family, it's the minority that don't have it. Maybe 1 in 100 have a diagnosis, but the rest won't get one, and won't admit they have it. There is a lot of stigma attached to this disability, and we are experiencing a lot of discrimination from Social Workers, and Judges.

    My ex uses my disability against me whenever he can, and discredits my son as he has a diagnosis also. The worst part of this my ex has it too but he won't admit it, and refuses to have an assessment.

    Any guesses? Do you know what my disability is?

    I will only leave it 5/10 mins than I will put you out of your misery

    Kate xx

  • TTATTelder

    Bipolar Disorder?

    (although you seem pretty stable)

  • adamah

    Depression (which is more prevalent than BPD) is estimated at 10% of the population, so it could be BPD (which is estimated at 2% of the population)?


    Lycanthropy?!? Sounds Hot! I am a bit of a closet "Furrie." I wish I was a wolf... TMI?!? LOL!!!


  • KateWild

    18 hits but only one guess. 2 hits were me

    Well done TTATelder for having a go. Very close. But kids don't tend to get diagnosed with bipolar, but many adults with my disability get misdiagnosed with bipolar. I have been assessed for a diagnosis for bipolar and it was confirmed I do not have it.

    Thank for your guess Kate xx

  • KateWild

    Sorry two more guesses while I was typing

    Adam, DD good for you for guessing but no

  • KateWild


  • KateWild

    I was born with ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder. My diagnosis is Asperger's Syndrome, I was diagnosed in 2009 at 36yrs. So is my son's. Many famous people are on the spectrum and many more who have died have been speculated about.

    It's a social communcation disorder, we struggle with social skills, and inflexibility of thinking. This means we need a routine. Yes Adam it's probably why I won't give up the idea of God. Inflexible

    Kate xx

  • TTATTelder


    Is it something that you can pretty well work around or is it a constant challenge?

    Does it give you any advantages like in certain skill sets?

  • Phizzy

    As you say Sam, Aspergers or something remarkably similar is not unusual in the population. I have read a little about it, and seen TV programmes too.

    It covers a wide spectrum of "difference". I do not use the word disability as many do not see it that way, O.K, if a person is way down on the spectrum and cannot interact with others hardly at all, perhaps cannot speak etc, then yes that is a disability, but many diagnosed with it see it as simply a "difference", and for them it is often an advantage as they see it.

    My Dad is somewhere on the spectrum, the way it affects him is what could be seen as insensitivity or a lack of empathy, that is a little harsh, he simply does not comprehend how others are feeling, once it is explained to him, he is generous in his concern.

    He also sees no great need to join in conversations going on around him, he would rather sit and listen, so some think he is aloof and cold, he is not. He is sitting there enjoying himself !

    Others are affected in many different ways, but sometimes their take on the world is a refreshing change from the rest of us !

    So, are you disabled, or just different, even unique ?

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