Divine protection on the way to the Memorial!!!

by DATA-DOG 16 Replies latest members private


    I heard it from a very reliable source that 2 witnesses were involved in an auto accident on the way to the memorial. The driver, a baptized Brother, was killed instantly. The passenger, an Elderly pioneer, was rushed to a nearby hospital for aortic surgery. I do not know if she survived the surgery.

    This is a sad story. It shows the folly of JW's believing that they have divine protection. I will provide more details as they become available.

  • cofty

    This is very sad. I hope the lady survives.

    Life proves incontrovertibly that there is no such thing as divine protection.

  • zeb

    There may be or not but the wts has no right at all to even suggest that following its dictates will bring divine protection. This is the equivalent of a St Christopher medal on your dashboard keeping you safe in the traffic.

  • blondie

    The WTS in recent years has stated in study articles that individual jws should not expect personal protection.

    God’s people – individuals protected or only “as a group”

    ***w09 3/15 p.26 par.8***

    Because of obeying such commands, God’s servants on earth today now number some seven million. Who can deny that his people have become “mighty in the earth”? (John 10:16; Rev. 7:9, 14) And how “blessed” they will yet be as God carries out his purpose! As a group, those with an earthly hope will be preserved through the coming “great tribulation” to form “a new earth” in which “righteousness is to dwell.”

    *** w08 9/15 p.9***What About Physical Protection?

    8 As individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed. We take the position expressed by the three faithful Hebrews who refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s image of gold. Those God-fearing young men did not presume that Jehovah would miraculously protect them from physical harm. (Read Daniel 3:17, 18.) As matters turned out, Jehovah did deliver them from the flames of the fiery furnace. (Dan. 3:21-27) Even in Bible times, however, miraculous deliverance was the exception rather than the rule. Many faithful servants of Jehovah died at the hands of opposers.—Heb. 11:35-37.

    9 What about today? As “the Provider of escape,” Jehovah certainly can deliver individuals from perilous situations. Can we definitively say whether Jehovah did or did not intervene in specific cases? No. Still, an individual who has escaped a dangerous situation may feel that Jehovah intervened. It would be presumptuous for others to take issue with his feeling. At the same time, we must realistically acknowledge that many faithful Christians have died as a result of persecution, as was the case during the Nazi era. Others have died under tragic circumstances. (Eccl. 9:11) We might ask, ‘Did Jehovah fail to be “the Provider of escape” for faithful ones whose lives were cut short?’ That could hardly be the case.


    It is true. Just not sure if it was before, or after the Memorial.


  • Iamallcool

    that report said the the brother was occupant not the driver.

  • Iamallcool

    (never mind)

  • Oubliette

    When JWs are spared some misfortune, it is proof of Divine Protection.

    When JWs are victims, it is "time and unforeseen occurence." (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

    Either way, they've got their bets covered. As a JW, you can't lose, even when you die you're a winner!

  • BluesBrother

    Sad story........I wonder if the elderly one was a partaker?

    NB The WTS have NEVER in my experience suggested that divine protection was there for meeting attenders. If any ones like to believe that..it is an urban myth, perhaps the wishful thinking of nervous travellers?


    The driver was an Elderly Pioneer sister, non-annointed, ( whatever that means ). She was at fault for failing to yield. The passenger in the front was killed. Evidently there was another passenger moderately injured.

    The WTBTS likes to be selective about divine protection. Little Timmy is saved from a strange householder and gives a witness to a neighbor=divine protection. Brother Aboobola in Timbuktu leaves his crops unprotected to go to the DC, a stray dog saves his crops from monkeys=divine protection. A little old lady kills someone on the way to memorial....

    It is just really sad no matter what. It blew my mind when I heard it. I am not trying to be a jerk about it, just sharing.

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