Legal Dept to Sue Google for Youtube Videos and owners

by smithmandy1 43 Replies latest members private

  • smithmandy1

    I've just heard from my elder hubby that legal proceedings are beginning to take place against Google to remove slanderous videos against the watchtower from Youtube and its video content owners. It will mean that any copyrighted materials by the Watchtower on youtube will be removed by Google and damages will be applied on video uploaders. Oh thunder in paradise! My advice is if you got vids on there take them off before you get caught in the action.

    Our fun is always spoilt insnt it? lol

  • Quendi

    I not only hope that the WTS loses this suit, but that it will also have to pay all court costs and lawyers' fees. This should serve as a wake up call to Witnesses who still are free-thinkers. The WTS is a tyrannical, despotic organization completely unworthy of the support of conscientious people.


  • NewChapter

    I'd ask a couple of questions. First, where did this info come from? Is your hubby just an elder in a Kingdom Hall? If so, how much info would he really be privy to? JW's are notorious for gossip and assumptions. Many stories get spun, and as soon as they are repeated by someone trusted---an elder, a pioneer, they become fact. I just don't think the GB tells the Rank and File what they are up to--especially at this stage.

    Second. What exactly is slander? We can say whatever we want against the WTBTS as long as it is true, and we can make fun of them all we want. We can critique their videos, and even reproduce to a degree to get our point across.

    If the WT ever really does try to come after us for speaking our minds and making fun of them, we will make sure we get as much mileage as possible out of it and use it at every opportunity to reveal their general reptilianess.


  • sir82

    Why, I do believe news of this response needs to publicized far and wide!

    Advertise, advertise, advertise, Sparlock and his video legions!

  • DT

    The Watchtower Society did issue some take notices for the first round of videos. It backfired and now they appear to have given up. I can see how that could be spun in the JW world to the Watchtower Society waging a mighty legal batlle against Google and vile apostates.

  • Glander

    Assuming that such a suit is indeed in the works, I think it is fantastic that the usually low-profile WTB&TS is going to step into the spotlight with their stupid and egregious doctrines. The Sparlock matter will be perfect media fodder.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    "libelous" videos?



  • NewChapter

    libelous" videos?

    LOL CoCo. Valid point. Slander is spoken, Libel is written.


  • MeanMrMustard

    "I've just heard from my elder hubby that legal proceedings are beginning to take place against Google to remove slanderous videos against the watchtower from Youtube and its video content owners..."

    WTB&TS =

  • wasblind

    LOL @ Coco ,

    JW's are still trynna figure out figurative from literal

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