spilled the beans

by thecrushed 147 Replies latest members private

  • thecrushed

    I had hoped that I could influence my wife in a subtle way perhaps sparing us both the pain of finding out our life as JW's have been a sham. This unfortunately didn't happen. She came home monday and I told her she should get involved in volunteer work at the humane society. She became suspicious as she has been getting lately. She asked me what my motive was for saying this after shooting her down months before because we felt guilty doing any charity work other than field service. I couldn't give her an answer. She asked, "are you trying to get rid of me? who is she!? I knew that I couldn't hide it any longer from her. She suspected that I was cheating on her because I had been so distant from her for a few months now.

    I told her it was nothing like that. I simply said that I no longer believe that the GB had our best interests at heart and that I now knew that Evolution is a fact of life. I also told her that my therapist confirmed my suspicians that JW's display many patterns associated universily with cults. Her only words were, "Oh God! NO! not you!" She then rushed into the bathroom and threw up. After this she was completely hysterical and hopelessly lost. I became hysterical and we both cried together. I've never experienced such a painful emotional night with her. She made me promise that I wouldn't keep her from her studies and on the contrary I told her to study more than ever with an open mind. Unfortunately I don't have the where with all to prove things to her in a systematic way even though I know for certain myself. To be honest the doctrine and bible study never was my strong suit. I lost faith because of proving to myself that Evolution is a fact and really that negates most of the bible as fairy tale in the first place.

    I guess my only option with her is to prove the many times that WT has cried wolf to the complete ruin of many JW's who believed it. Also the compelling evidence that CT russel was quite spiritistic and used the Egyptian pyramids to come up with his chronology which to me amounts to plain ol divination. WT put so much importance on pagan origin of holiday's and of the cross. The hypocrisy is astounding when you learn the occult origins of JW doctrine. Jehovah would have nothing to do with pagan symbols such as is on the cover of "the finished mystery" or divining prophesy from the pagan egyption pyramids. I asked my wife if she was aware of this and she said she wasn't and this is no accident I think.

    This all begs the question. Why would Jehovah God the God who requires pure worship without difilement use a man that uses pagan divination as his mouth piece? If you just think about this one thing aside from all the technical arguments about historical dates this should clue any layman on to the true nature of this cult.

    Back to my wife. Today she is much calmer. She keeps saying she loves me very much and warmly hugs me often. I also reassure her of my love as well. The fact that she still loves me after knowing I have so called, "Apostate thinking" says a lot I think. I guess she has compartmentalised it for future processing or something I'm just not real sure. I can only hope she will start to question herself and use her very sharp critcal thinking skills to investigate the truth about the "Truth".

    So I have started the journey and I'm searching for my next step. I hope that I can keep it together and get a hold of my emotions because I can't research or prove anything in the state of mind I've been in.

  • jamiebowers

    Well, you're further ahead than most who've just learned the truth about the "truth". At least your wife isn't running to the elders to turn you in for apostasy. Just try to stay calm, continue your therapy, and be as loving to your wife as you possibly can. When she realizes that you haven't become a devil worshipping adulterer, she may be more apt to look into things for herself.

  • jemba

    I just wish for you that you could leave together. Hopefully the seeds of doubt will take root and she will see the org for what it really is - built on lies.

    I remember my Hubby coming home with bits of 'apostate' info and it made me feel physically ill too, you only open your eyes when youre ready.

    I think its fear that stops us researching more doctrines of the org. Fear of Gods wrath, fear of being caught, fear of what youll find.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Oh God! No! Not you! Then she rushed into the bathroom and threw up.

    The poor dear had quite the reaction to your relevation. I do hope she gets better, and things turn out well for you.

    Think About It

  • thecrushed

    yes! thank you for your kind reply's. I'm trying to get her to seek it herself. I don't want to force her because she has to make the choice to make the plunge into the unknown. No matter what evidence I present to her it won't matter if she closed her mind. I'm trying to exercise patience and love.

    The freedom from guilt that I feel is a gift like none other. It is helping me through my pain. I see people differently now. I don't see the walking dead but rather the good in people. I'm finding that I love people in general more now. I care more about others more than I ever did when I saw them as lost causes. In fact I want to get involved in charities now to help those in need. I complained and murmered about service. WHy? because it's not really helping. I wouldn't regret one second helping those in need even if I never get anything back. The day I realized the WT was a huge joke I went out driving to clear my head. I saw this old women in a wheel chair sitting in the median on the on ramp to the interstate. I stopped and gave her everything in my middle consol which was probably 3 dollars or so. I felt better about that little deed than all the preaching I ever did. Jesus said that giving is better than recieving and he is absolutely correct as long as you actually GIVE! As a brainwashed JW I always felt too guilty to dedicate myself to those kinds of persuits because that would take away from the preaching work. I think that many xJW's like myself are genuine and want to do good towards people not as an excuse to just go hog wild and go crazy. When your indoctrination stops you from helping people in real and tangible ways that should be a huge red flag!!

  • nonjwspouse

    Spilled the beans. I am praying for you to keep your strength, to keep your calm wits about you. Keep planting seeds of knowlage, but not confronting her.

    I too have this very very difficult task of trying NOT to push my spouse away but to ask questions...just ask, and he usually can not answer them. I think It might be starting to work, but I just don't know.

    When he told me a couple months ago it was his goal to be baptised ( he was raised a JW then left as a teen, now 49) I too almost threw up.

    My goal is to show him the joy of comfort my religion gives me, to show him grace. By example...I am hoping to win him over, but it is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. I want to keep printing out old watchtowers and awake, highlighting things and asking why they were changed. I print out all sorts of things...but that only makes him turn way.

    Crisis of Concience is sitting in our bedroom on a chest. I pray each day he will eventually pick it up.


    Awww Crushed

    You are a brave man, and it is heart-warming to hear of your love for one another. I am hopeful your wife may follow your lead one day. I like Jemba's statement about fear..I think that is so true..and if someone isn't ready for the actual truth about the ORG yet, they will just be completely closed off. But continue to give your wife space, love and time.

    I wish the best for BOTH of you!!

  • Lozhasleft

    Waking up from the WTBS is so hard, even when we choose to, harder still if we don't. Give her time to ponder on the things you've told her. I think your example of any religion who hinders the doing of good to a fellow man screams cult, is excellent. As others suggest keep showering her with love and understanding. Wishing the best for you both.

    Loz x

  • DesirousOfChange

    Give her time to ponder on the things you've told her.

    Yes, go slow. Consider how long you have been lurking and doubting and have had some concerns of issues with WT doctrine or organization. The only fast exit is DF or DA and most don't want that or at least not all the consequences of it. She will have to slowly digest it, ponder it, and come to terms with it. I think that's what we all had to do. It's a slow progression. It's a rude awakening. It's scary as hell.


  • notjustyet


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