A Bethel Memory #2 - Much ado about wiskers

by LivingTheDream 26 Replies latest members private

  • LivingTheDream

    Much ado about wiskers

    I was a young man leaving to go to Bethel about 30 years ago, back in the early 80's. My congregation elders gave me "counsel" to shave my mustache because they had heard that Bethelites do not have them. I had a mustache since I could grow one, and being young and vain it was fairly traumatic to shave it, but shave it I did. It seemed weird to me right away that I could be a part-time pioneer in my own congregation with a mustache, yet not be able to keep it if I became a Bethelite. Oh well. I did as I was told.

    Well, when I got to Bethel I noticed lots of guys had mustaches. One brother even looked to me like he kept a very low shaved beard. I was perplexed. So, I eventually got the nerve up to ask one of the Bethel Elders I knew about it. What he told me puzzled me and still does to this day.

    He told me that latino and black brothers were allowed to have mustaches at Bethel because it was "their culture". Since it was "cultural" to have mustaches for these dark skinned brothers back home, then it was OK for them to keep their facial hair in Bethel too. Of course, the white guys had to shave theirs as there was no such "culture" of facial hair. Also, the one black brother who I pointed out had a beard, this elder told me, wasn't really a beard at all, it was just that he got really bad bumps (acne) for shaving close to his kinky-haired face. He was allowed to grow his beard out "temporarily" so that his bumps and acne would go away. After that, he would shave it. So, no I was told, it's not really a beard he was wearing, it was a "temporary grow-out" for medical reasons.


    At the time of being told these things, my mind just reeled and I didn't have anything to say. I was mute and caught off guard by this. I became friends with the bearded black brother later on and for the record, he rarely shaved it. He only did it from time to time to placate the elders. When he did shave, the poor guy would get bumps and acne all over again because his facial hair would grow into his skin if cut too close to the skin (what shaving is) because his hair was so curly.


    To make this poor guy go through this all the time seemed silly to me. I asked myself that didn't nature just show everyone that this poor brother shouldn't shave at all, ever? Now, thinking about it just angers me.

    I was incredulous at this latino-or-black-mustache-is-OK explanation. I don't recall exactly how the ensuing conversation went with this elder later, but I do remember a plethora of questions I had for him about it later after I got a chance to think it over. I'll summarize my questions here, but they were not necessarily in this order and keep in mind this was a discussion, not a series of questions I had. I just want to keep this note as short as possible, so I'll put the questions I had in bullet form:

    • Isn't it racist to treat brothers differently, simply based on the color of their skin?
    • What if you just "looked" latin or hispanic or black, but really were not. Was is OK to have a mustache then?
    • What if you were mixed race, half white and black say, could you grow half a mustache?
    • Who determines what is "cultural" for which ethnic groups and where does this cultural difference acceptability end?
    • For example, isn't it "cultural" for Hawaiian brothers to wear big floral shirts with no ties out in Service in Hawaii, so can they do that if they come to Bethel?
    • For that matter, isn't it "cultural" for some societies to allow their women to go topless, so, then would it then be OK for them to go topless at Bethel?
    • Why is this rule only at Bethel and not my home congregation? Shouldn't we know what the culture is there and shouldn't Christian standards be the same everywhere?

    He didn't like these questions and pretty much told me that was the way it was and that I shouldn't be such a wise acre. A bit annoyed, he left me.

    So, after more musing on my part about this, I just couldn't help myself. I just had to have a follow-up conversation with him about the facial hair issue in general, because he got me to thinking more about it. Here are some highlights of my follow-up questions:

    • Why is it wrong at all for Christians to wear mustaches or even beards for that matter? Didn't God make it grow on our faces? Doesn't God want men to have beards and mustaches? What's next, no eyebrows?
    • How does shaving or not shaving the God-given hair on my face have any reflection on my faith?
    • If the argument that we don't have beards is because they are not accepted in a "business setting", then why could I point out many CEOs, CFOs, CIOs and so forth from the Fortune 500 company's that have beards? Wouldn't the business world know if beards were acceptable better than a JW in Bethel? How do these business guys with beards flourish if it is so objectionable?
    • If the argument that we don't have beards is because they are not accepted in a "business setting", then why does that even matter at all to us? Isn't the business world in general "worldly", so why care what the world thinks?
    • The Jews set themselves apart by their appearance, couldn't we as JWs all do that by all of us simply growing our beards out and showing ourselves "not part of the word"?
    • Did the Society really think we would be less objectionable and less of pariahs in the world's eyes by having clean shaven faces?

    The Bethel Elder simply stopped trying to answer my questions and walked away shaking his head. He muttered under his breath that I was being ridiculous. But I suppose a not-formally-written, but otherwise enforced Bethel "rule" that allowed black brothers to do one thing while disallowing the same thing to white brothers is not ridiculous?

    I have brought this up in many ways, many times, both in and out of Bethel over the years, but this particular discussion seems to always end the same way with any JW Elder - deaf ears. After all, it seems much easier for them to take the JW "much ado about wiskers" stance than to just let people be about this very personal issue.

    By the way, guess what I'm wearing on my face right now?


  • GrandmaJones

    I have never understood the beard/mustache prohibition. Charles Russell had a beard, didn't he?

  • zoiks

    Straining out the gnat...

  • joeblow

    I had the moustache/beard argument when I first was able to actually grow something more than fuzz. I wanted both, and I was told absolutely not... not allowed... a beard was especially bad because it carried with it some kind of "preconception to the world" and we needed to present ourselves as clean and not a part of the world... or some such foolishness.

    I grew a moustache anyway.

    Once I moved far enough away to be outside the direct influence of my immediate family, I let my beard grow too - neatly trimmed mind you. When I'd return to visit my family they would take me to the meeting and I refused to shave the beard (even though I was asked to). They explained away the beard by saying it was customary where I lived (even though it wasn't), so it was OK... and everyone in the congregation was satisfied with that explanation... and I sat there confused.

  • mamalove

    I think nicely trimmed beards and goatee's are hot. Keep rockin the facial hair guys. Chicks dig it.

  • joeblow

    @mamalove: I discovered that after I grew mine :-) My partner likes my beard. I keep saying I'll shave it off for her (she complains/teases about it pokeing her face when she kisses me), and she talks me out of it... she likes it too much.

  • MrMonroe

    Now here's a funny thing. Check out an ex-Mormon website here and you'll see precisely the same questions are being asked there.

    Sample quotes:

    • "One of the things that alerted me to the BS, was the beard policy. I just couldn't get it through my head that wearing a beard had ANYTHING to do with a relationship with god. If they had been reasonable about the little things, I might still be a brain-washed little molly."
    • "Isn't the act of mandatory face shaving an attempt to distinguish themselves from the bogyman known collectively as "The World"? Is this hypocrisy actual policy? I know for a fact that there was a big stink in Queensland Australia about the Brisbane temple banning attendance by men with facial hair. I assume Christ would be exempt from that policy if he would ever lower himself to hang with these nutjobs."
    • "In the '60s, facial hair equaled rebellion ... individual expressions of nonconformity had to be suppressed."
  • finallyfree!

    i have received "counsel" from my family and the elders about my nice trimmed facial hair and i told em if jesus had one then it cant be so bad. they said it looked "worldly" i asked them what "worldly" is supposed to mean? they said "you know" i then took out the curent wt they were studying found jesus and showed them: see! and i havent been in the org for a few years and they still try to impose their personal viewpoints on a grown man. refuckindiculous!!

  • baltar447

    Wow, MrMonroe! Great link thanks! When I showed my wife the Family Home Evening website, she freaked out. I think this one might be too much.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    When I was at Bethel in the early 90's it was a total double standard. Some white brothers had them, even one of the heavy's yet other white brothers were told to shave their's off. My girlfriends husband worked at 90 Sands and it was OK there, at 360 Furman it was not OK and he got asked to shave it off.

    It made no sense and he was totally upset over it.

    I not being a guy was puzzled by it all but never gave it that much thought. My husband never had one after we were married to follow the rules and he was happy doing it that way whatever.

    It just has always seemed stupid to me that men can not grow what God gave them on their faces in order to be a good JW.


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