So my mom called me an apostate today

by doublelife 44 Replies latest members private

  • doublelife

    She called me about an hour ago and asked if I went to the meeting. I told her no. Long story short, she said I'm becoming an apostate and she knows I've been reading apostate literature because "they focus on dates." I asked her how she knows and she said that she's talked to them before they told her who they were and she's heard them on t.v. She started crying and laying the guilt trip on. She said that since my dad died, he paid for his sins, and he'll probably be resurrected and it would be a shame for him to make it and his daughter doesn't. If I was dealing with anyone else it would've made me mad but I know she's not trying to hurt me. It's just her cult self speaking. I told her that I felt she was being too nosy but response was that she's my mom and so I'm her business. And I told her that I loved her and it wasn't my intent to upset her but that we should probably stop talking about this subject because it's upsetting her. And she said, "Well, I love you too and that's why I'm so upset about this. I never would've thought that this would happen to you." The towards the end of the conversation she said, "So all archaeologist say Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 huh? Yeah, we'll see about that." I'm on the phone with her now and she's trying to figure out how to email me an article she's reading on the internet. She said the article shows that there is discrepancy about 587 and jws are not the only one to give the date 607. I'll update you later.

  • LucyA

    Guilt! Both our mothers best weapon I know it’s hard Good luck!

  • doublelife

    This is the website that my mom wants me to read:

  • doublelife

    Thanks, LucyA.

  • Heaven

    doublelife, I am sorry your Mom is doing this to you. It's hurtful. I had to establish boundaries with my folks. But they often times would overstep them. Over time they realized that doing this was pointless as I always had a sound argument against what they were saying and I never got upset with them. There were a couple of times where they were downright nasty to me.

    A suggestion would be for you to use the Watchtower publications as your source (outside of the 607 issue). This will nullify the 'apostate' label. Regarding the 607 issue, I would take Black Sheep's advice on this and put the onus on her. Ask her for the King list. If she can produce this for you, she will see that 607 doesn't add up.

  • thetrueone

    There has been even more archaeological evidence found recently

    at the site of ancient Babylon in the form of tablets

    that confirms the invasion and overthrow of ancient Jerusalem. ( 586 BCE )

    I doubt the probability of those ancient governmental scribes writing

    dates to so that they would fool and confuse people 2000 years later on in the future.

    Time for your mother to get a grasp of reality.

    I suggest that you send your mother early writings and books by the WTS. ( which are perceived to be non-apostate )

    and the realization that the year 1914 was mainly formulated by the belief

    in pyramidology, so much so the president of the WTS. has a concrete pyramid situated

    at his grave site. 1914 was also a year derived to postulate the return of Christ in that year and

    in a disingenuous way bring attention to the literature that the publishing company was producing,

    in other words a commercial exploitation.

  • besty

    see above

    tell your mum you researched 607 v 587 in the WTS literature after becoming aware of the fact nobody except JW's understand 607 to be accurate

    after researching the WTS literature on the king list, it also seems to point to 587 - WOW - you can prove 587 from WTS literature and she cannot prove 607 from secular knowledge.....

    but as many have said - its not facts or doctrine thats keeping them in.......its a toxic family gone bad and you need to figure out what she gains from being in the cult....

  • snowbird

    Be strong for yourself and your mom.



  • mindmelda

    The Witnesses are the only people who teach that 607 BCE crap because it's the only way you can cook the math to get 1914. Except for years, they cooked the math to be 1874, forty years earlier. The WTS actually acknowledges in some literature that 587 is the historical date, but they dance around that with some incomprehensible scripture jumping that I've actually never been able to follow, which may be the point of one can!

    But basically, yeah, they try to convince you that denying 607 is some big "worldly" or "satanic" conspiracy among "worldly historians or academics" if nothing else works, all designed to keep you from knowing the truth about 1914.

    So much in this religions theology depends on accepting 1914 as the date that Christ came to power in heaven, because you can begin an Armageddon countdown of some sort from there and apply all sorts of scriptures to specific events (in retrospect, of course) to Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Nothing new, every Adventist religion ever has tried to pinpoint the end times...this is the JW version, and other religions like the Armstrong church get a somewhat simliar date by finangling Bible texts like the Witnesses do. Thinking they are unique in what they teach is a big part of the isolation practiced by's designed to keep you from realizing that you believe similar crap to some other religions in many ways.

    Of course, they keep moving up the date for Armagettin-outta-here, but that's another discussion.

    But, there is no reputable historical source that validates 607 BCE as the date the Babylonians overthrew Jerusalem. It's ironic that they do what they accuse others of doing...cherry picking scripture and only using translations that say what they want them to say.

    I guess that's because the best defense is a good offense? The best way to divert suspicion from yourself is to accuse someone else of what you're doing.

  • doublelife

    Heaven, thanks. I think the next step with my mom will have to be to ask her to give me the king list.

    thetrueone, yes, she does need to get a grasp on reality. But that's easier said than done with a cult member. Maybe I should email her a picture of Russell's grave. lol. No, that would open up another can of worms.

    besty, "you need to figure out what she gains from being in the cult...." I honestly don't think she gains anything. She doesn't have any real friends and no family members in. She's just brainwashed.

    snowbird, thanks.

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