www.watchtowerwiki.org - Looking for managers with Wiki experience.

by nicolaou 7 Replies latest members private

  • nicolaou


    I set this site up a couple of years back but have never really done anything with it, so here's the deal;

    I'd like two or three enthusiastic individuals who know their way around MediaWiki to take over and develop the site. I'll retain the 'master sysop' account but will not be involved in anything other than routine maintenance.

    Some conditions.

    [1] Nothing illegal. There is already quite a good download page on the site but I will be deleting much of it - only the older (usually pre 1950) publications and any public domain recordings will remain. So no hosting of current material!

    [2] No libelous comment. As site owner I don't want anything you post coming back to bite me in the ass. I will delete anything I wish to.

    [3] Keep it focused. If you think that's too vague maybe you're not the person for this.

    I guess we'll see how we go along, but for now why not register at the site and create a page in the name of your JWN username to show me what you can do.


  • chasson

    First, you must limit the edit privilege to identified users, there are some robots that have populate your wiki with stupid ads.

    You must add this line to you localsettings.php:

    "$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;"

    Second, where are your extensions ? You have none, even the popular "cite" to add references to article. (Mediawiki 1.12.1 is too old)

    Take a look at my Wiki version page to see the most useful for a wiki (in my opinion):


    Well with Google street View extension, we can make some very funny webpage:


  • nicolaou

    Thanks for the input Chasson. Upgrading to the latest version shouldn't be too difficult, I'll take care of that if any interest is shown.

  • chasson

    It is difficult indeed, if you can't perform the upgrade by the php script furnished. (particularly if you have not a root access on your server), you must manually change the database in Phpmyadmin...

  • Hoping4Change

    Any chance of getting a 'last chance' warning before pulling stuff down off the download page?

  • BarnabasChen

    Dear hoping 4 change,

    I'm sorry because know dont love was fear stop doing love sex him or her to marry about church other u?

    We know sorry is my family not angry never disturbing friends other with you? I have really prayer sorry because not going TCC church moving churches SFX will have friends need want interpreter of BIM or ASL worship to the church catholics or deaf community was together different church some u.. It church have my friends ex-jews to want meeting deaf's many all Jehovah's wittness with very good support works u? I sorry was not bad changed stop doing not gossip about kill murder,steal and adulter because God want repent sorry accepted blow to baptism water in my hearts our loves much great to better change to life new church and blessed with you...In the name Jesus.. I say ignore... Amen..

    We prayer about God calling Father our Jehovah's wittness Lord with our going heaven of christ saved us...

    Our forgive Lord I prayer about sorry was need going except ex-jews are christian person other with Me please want God forgive stop demons out not go church different bad something kill murder,steal and adulter need you prayer God will help forgive new repent water a baptism new life recieve christian keep me... In the name Jesus.. I say ignore.. Amen..


    Barnabas Chen Wai Seng:)

  • nicolaou

    Why my topic?

    Anyway, enjoy the download page while you can, it will be severely reduced within a few days. Unless anyone steps forward with an offer to manage the wiki I'll probably just take it off-line by the end of the month.

    Honestly, you'd think there'd be some motivated apostate out there . . . . .

  • Hoping4Change

    What was that response all about? (from BarnabasChen)

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