"We don't FORCE FEED our children spiritual food." Oh really?

by Open mind 51 Replies latest members private

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Recently, an elder was giving a talk explaining how important it is for young ones to regularly take in spiritual food. Then he looks us all straight in the eye, (Good audience contact, BTW) and says:

    "But we don't FORCE FEED our children spiritual food."


    I just stared in numb incredulity.

    Anyone care to rebutt?


  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    SMH = shaking my head

  • insearchoftruth

    That is such a joke....all I have done is sit in on a study with my wife, have another discussion with the study conductor and her husband and they are trying to shovel the crap to me already......

  • changeling

    Being taken to meetings three times a week since birth, assemblies, conventions, field service, family study...nah....that's not force feeding...

  • undercover

    Pressuring children at the age of 13, 14 or 15 to get baptized isn't forcing anything??

  • Finally-Free
    "We don't FORCE FEED our children spiritual food."

    Why not put that statement to the test? A half hour into a meeting, assembly, or family study children should just get up and walk out.

    Let's see how far they get.


  • daniel-p

    Was he trying to make a point with that statement? Maybe there were some who were getting a little heavy handed with their kids about studying and he was trying to send a message.

  • blondie


    The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English | Date: 2008

    force-feed • v. [ tr. ] force (a person or animal) to eat. ? fig. impose or force (information or ideology) upon (someone): no group has the right to force-feed its beliefs on her. Do children have a choice to go to the meetings or not, to attend the "family" study or not, to have different opinions religiously than their parents? I grew up with a jw parent and I never had a choice. Refusing to go to the meetings would result in swift punishment of myself and my siblings. Blondie (force-fed but kept spitting it out)

  • sf

    Begging your pardon, turning around and addressing your fellow-trapped-in congregants with this inquiry would have been more EFFECTIVE than asking it on an established anti-jw/wt forum.

    The replies here WILL BE pretty par for the course.

    You can do it ye elders, just turn around and ask this of the congregation..."Do we force feed our children 'spiritual food', or poison {I'd add that to the question}?" Go further brothers..."Are our misrepresented {deadely} policies healthy for them to 'EAT'?

    I understand informing the lurker brothers, yet you have access to many OFFLINE that lurk too. Let them know it's okay to be here, just as you are. Share with them what you have discovered and CONTINUE to discover. Turn around and tell them IT IS POISON. DON'T EAT ANOTHER BITE!

    It's that simple really. All of your shock and awe over what many have researched for you, in order to know it's all a fraud, doesn't mean much here. It was shocking back when it was all broke wide open.

    The goal now should be, to MASS DISTRIBUTE WHAT IS NOW FACTUAL. For many year, many have done just that. And YOU and countless others have benefited from it. Why hoard this knowledge? Why not tell it to the ones whom are being the most deceived? YOUR CONGREGANTS. We don't need to KNOW it as much as they do. We are free to gain these facts.

    So please, turn around while you are standing there or up there at the podium, and tell them, share with them ALTRUISTICALLY, the same truths you were afforded here, and there.


  • civicsi00

    If it's not FORCE FEEDING, they why not let the children decide what to believe???!!

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