Publishing Cult gets publicly reproved on You Tube !

by koolaid-man 148 Replies latest members adult

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    (because we don't have a 'pointless debate' area)

    You should seriously consider it, given the large number of them that occur here.

  • whathehadas


  • Violia

    I too wonder a bit why Rick is allowed free advertising on the largest and most respected xjws board on the net.

    Moved to 'heated debate' (because we don't have a 'pointless debate' area).....Simon

    If we had a "post of the week" award this would win it.....FinalyFree

    Ya..I thought I wrote some pretty funny stuff this week..

    Only to be UpStaged by the Funniest Line I`ve read all week..

    Simon can write some Funny Shit..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • nugget

    It is not an argument when it is a mud slinging exercise. I was truly shocked by the comments that supposedly present the other side of the argument. It was neanderthal mud slinging of the worst sort and posted anywhere else could lead to accusations of abuse. In any other setting these comments would have been condemned that you saw fit to bring them to our attention is very worrying as it says that you are not thinking rationally.

    If these comments had been directed at you Rick you would have cause to be offended. As they are being made in support of you perhaps you should review your ministry and your message. It says in the bible that by their fruits you will recognise them so are you proud of the fruits you have harvested?

  • yourmomma

    yeah, and i love how Rick and the supporter he has promoted on this site try to make this a "gay" issue, and ignore the fact that the issue with the show about the painting was a "FACTS" issue, and that is before the show, it was CLEARLY shown FACTUALLY that the painting was not men having sex, which totally refuted Rick's show theme.

    I am just disgusted at the comments that have come from Rick, his show callers, and the man poconoporker who Rick purposly posted a thread trying to draw our attention to his absolutly revolting, bigoted, abusive, and homophobic slurs.

    Rick is sending a clear message to the LGBT ex-jw community, and I cannot see how any reputable ex-jw's and ex-jw websites can continue to be affilated with six screens.

  • lovelylil

    PC did the right thing by blocking pornoporker, who is obviously a defender of Rick Fearon, so Rick is it Joe? Is it Dick? which of your six screens cronies is it posting under that moniker?

    The comments were disgusting and offensive.

    Rick said we should ALL feel at home with that kind of language? Hmm, I would like to know when I ever used such language? You know Rick you make yourself look worse everytime you post your bizarro comments on the board. And then you claim you are a Christian? Now WE CLEALY KNOW that is a lie!! You lost all sense of Christianity once you started on your WT witch hunt which included lying and making up false people to make the WT look bad, such as Johnny and Mary. You should have known better to do this because if you were a believer you would know it is not YOUR job to take down false religion, it is JESUS CHRIST's job to do that. YOU and your 3 person protest will never affect the WT in ANY WAY.

    The ONLY people who have contacted you are people who already left the tower on thier own. Not people who YOU actually helped out. You need to get over yourself. Ray told me how you told him you thought you would have hundreds of people in your house church by now who came out of the WT due to your website. I thought that was very telling about Why you act the way you do. You have an EGO problem because you cannot understand WHY people are not responding to YOUR message.

    Your ego has pushed you totally off the rails, going 100 miles per hour, off track into one flew over the cuckoos nest town. Let us know when you finally get there will ya?

    No wonder even the Bible Students want to distance themselves from you, among many others. Take a break from all this before you have a complete breakdown. If you do, who will care for your wife?

  • serenitynow!
    Life can be so beautiful. Go out and build one worth living.

    Amen to that.

  • koolaid-man

    What we will not be blocking this week on The Six Screens of The Watchtower conference call is one of our critics daughters nasty email.... We will read her disgusting email lasced with profanity and what an embarrassment it will be for those related to her.

  • pirata

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