Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-03-2012 WT Study (REVEAL)

by blondie 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-03-12 WT Study (APRIL 15, 2012, pages 3-7)(REVEAL THE FATHER)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will be indented and identified

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


    Bible translations

    WT publications

    WT child abuse

    Blood issue

    United Nations

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    “Who the Father is, no one knows but the

    Son, and he to whom the Son is willing to

    reveal him.”—LUKE 10:22.


    Why was Jesus in a unique

    position to reveal his Father?

    How did Jesus reveal his

    Father to others?

    In what ways can you imitate

    Jesus in revealing the Father?


    What a mishmash this article is. But one thing to realize, the jws believe only they are true believers and that all non-jws face immediate eternal death.


    1, 2. What question has puzzled many, and why?

    ‘WHO is God?’ This question puzzles many.

    For instance, although most nominal

    Christians believe that God is a Trinity,

    many will admit that this doctrine is impossible to

    understand. One author and clergyman acknowledged:

    “This is a doctrine beyond the scope of man’s

    finite mind. It lies outside the realm of natural reason

    or human logic.” On the other hand, most who

    accept the theory of evolution believe that there is

    no God. They attribute all the wonders of creation

    to blind chance. Even so, instead of denying God’s

    existence, Charles Darwin said: “The safest conclusion

    seems to me that the whole subject is beyond

    the scope of man’s intellect.”


    Nominal Christians = so-called, professed; the WTS took on the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” not even bothering to make it “Jehovah’s CHRISTIAN Witnesses”; do jws even consider themselves “Christians” if asked what religion are you, do they say Christians or jws?

    One author and clergyman = who? Dr. Walter Martin

    most…most means what, 50.1%? 99.9%

    2 Most people, whatever their beliefs, have pondered

    over questions related to God’s existence.

    However, when they failed to reach a satisfying conclusion,

    many eventually gave up on their search for

    God. Indeed, Satan has “blinded the minds of the

    unbelievers.” (2 Cor. 4:4) Little wonder that the majority

    of mankind are left in ignorance and confusion

    as to the truth about the Father, the Creator of

    the universe!—Isa. 45:18.


    Most people? Have they failed to reach a satisfying conclusion, proof!

    Unbelievers = non-jws including those who consider themselves Christians


    3. (a) Who has revealed the Creator to us? (b) What questions

    are we going to consider?

    3 Yet, it is vital that people learn the truth about

    God. Why? Because only those who call “on the

    name of Jehovah” will be saved. (Rom. 10:13) To call

    on God’s name involves becoming acquainted with

    Jehovah as a Person. Jesus Christ disclosed to his

    disciples this vital knowledge. He revealed the Father

    to them. (Read Luke 10:22.) Why was Jesus able

    to reveal the Father as no one else could? How did

    Jesus do so? And how can we imitate Jesus

    in revealing the Father to others? Let

    us consider these questions.


    Does the WTS though only pull over “Jehovah” when it appears in the OT (Romans 10:13 see Joel 2:32) but wherever their judgment thinks it should be there. (see also Appendix 1D in the NWT)

    ***w82 3/15 pp. 26-27 par. 26 od***

    The New World Translation also uses the name “Jehovah” in addition to where the name appears in quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures. Why? So as to help the reader to know whether Jehovah God or Jesus Christ is referred to when “Lord” (Kyrios) appears in the Greek text.

    Why is it though Jesus never used God’s name in his prayers?


    4, 5. Why was Jesus in a unique position to reveal

    his Father?

    4 Jesus was especially qualified to

    reveal his Father. Why? Because before

    all other forms of life were created,

    the spirit creature who later became

    the man Jesus already existed in heaven

    as “the only-begotten Son of God.”

    (John 1:14; 3:18) What a unique position!

    While no other creature existed,

    the Son basked in the warmth of his Father’s

    attention and learned about Him

    and His qualities. The Father and Son

    must have communicated extensively

    and developed deep affection for each

    other over aeons of time. (John 5:20; 14:

    31) What a wealth of insight into his

    Father’s personality the Son must have

    gained!—Read Colossians 1:15-17.


    Why then is Jesus left out of the WTS equation so much starting with the name the WTS chose for their members—JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES—although there is no mention of that name in the OT where Christians are called Jesus’ witnesses even by Jesus himself at Acts 1:8?

    5 The Father designated the Son to

    be His spokesman, “The Word of God.”

    (Rev. 19:13) Therefore, Jesus was in a

    unique position to reveal the Father

    to others. Appropriately, Gospel writer

    John describes Jesus, “the Word,” as being

    “in the bosom position with the Father.”

    (John 1:1, 18) With that expression,

    John alludes to a custom that in

    his day was common at mealtimes. One

    guest would recline right in front of another

    person on the same couch. Being

    close together, these two could easily

    engage in conversation. So the Son,

    being “in the bosom position,” had intimate

    conversations with his Father.


    The “other sheep” of the WTS are not invited to eat with the “anointed” though merely to stand/sit in the dining room and observe.

    6, 7. How did the relationship between the Father

    and the Son keep developing?

    6 The relationship between the Father

    and the Son kept developing. The Son

    “came to be the one [God] was specially

    fond of day by day.” (Read Proverbs

    8:22, 23, 30, 31.) It is logical, then,

    that the bond between the two became

    stronger as they worked together and as

    the Son learned to imitate his Father’s

    qualities. With the creation of other intelligent

    creatures, the Son saw how Jehovah

    dealt with each one, and his appreciation

    for God’s personality surely



    Note that the WTS only pulls out a snippet from Proverbs 8, don’t want to confuse anyone but even there the WTS cannot resist using brackets [] to help the rank and file understand the bible.

    7 Even the challenge that Satan later

    launched against the rightfulness of Jehovah’s

    sovereignty gave the Son an opportunity

    to learn how Jehovah would

    exercise love, justice, wisdom, and power

    when He was confronted with a difficult

    situation. This would, in turn,

    no doubt have prepared Jesus to cope

    with the difficulties that he himself later

    encountered in his ministry on earth.

    —John 5:19.


    Later? Adam and Eve, Job, something else?

    8. How do the Gospel accounts help us to

    learn much about the Father’s qualities?

    8 Because of his close relationship

    with Jehovah, the Son explained the Father

    in richer detail than anyone else

    could ever do. What better way could

    there be for us to come to know the Father

    than by considering what his only begotten

    Son taught and did? To illustrate,

    think how difficult it would be for

    us to come to appreciate fully what the

    word “love” means by merely reading

    a dictionary definition. Yet, by reflecting

    on the vivid accounts of the Gospel writers

    about Jesus’ ministry and his

    ways of caring for others, we can gain

    much insight into the statement “God is

    love.” (1 John 4:8, 16) The same is true of

    God’s other qualities that Jesus revealed

    to his disciples while he was on earth.


    If Jesus could explain God better than anyone, why is the majority of the bible written by other people, and not even he wrote down anything the said.

    Why then is the bulk of what jws are expected to read WTS (human words) not the bible?


    9. (a) In what two basic ways did Jesus reveal

    his Father? (b) Give an example that shows how

    Jesus revealed his Father through his teaching.

    9 How did Jesus reveal the Father to

    his disciples and by extension to his

    future followers? He did so in two

    basic ways: through his teachings and

    through his conduct. Let us first consider

    Jesus’ teachings. What Jesus taught

    his followers reflected his deep insight

    into his Father’s thoughts, feelings, and

    ways. For example, Jesus likened his Father

    to a caring owner of a flock who

    goes off to look for one stray sheep. Jesus

    said that when the owner finds the

    lost sheep, “he rejoices more over it

    than over the ninety-nine that have not

    strayed.” What was the application of

    that illustration? “Likewise,” Jesus explained,

    “it is not a desirable thing with

    my Father who is in heaven for one of

    these little ones to perish.” (Matt. 18:

    12-14) What can you learn about Jehovah

    from this illustration? Even if you at

    times feel that you are of little value and

    are forgotten, your heavenly Father is interested

    in you and cares for you. In his

    eyes, you are one of “these little ones.”


    How many jws realize that the first book about Jesus was written 28 years after Jesus died by Matthew?

    Do jw elders go after the one, or expect the one to seek out the elder? Feel forgotten or realize no one calls when you are sick, realizes you were on vacation, etc.

    10. How did Jesus reveal his Father through his

    own conduct?

    10 The second way in which Jesus revealed

    the Father to his disciples was

    by means of his conduct. So when the

    apostle Philip asked Jesus: “Show us

    the Father,” Jesus could rightly say: “He

    that has seen me has seen the Father

    also.” (John 14:8, 9) Consider some examples

    of how Jesus demonstrated his

    Father’s qualities. When a leper begged

    Jesus to cure him, Jesus touched the

    man who was “full of leprosy” and told

    him: “I want to. Be made clean.” Upon

    being cured, the leper no doubt could

    see Jehovah’s hand in what Jesus did.

    (Luke 5:12, 13) Also, at the time of Lazarus’

    death, the disciples must have

    felt the Father’s compassion when Jesus

    “groaned in the spirit and became

    troubled” and “gave way to tears.”

    Though Jesus knew that he was going to

    resurrect Lazarus, he felt the pain that

    was evident among Lazarus’ family and

    friends. (John 11:32-35, 40-43) You no

    doubt have your favorite Bible accounts

    that enable you to see the merciful Father

    as exemplified by Jesus’ actions.


    Touch a leper = I remember the elder who would not touch any doorknobs at the KH because he knew a brother attending had AIDS. Or the elder who would not visit any jws at the hospital (and he was on the HLC).

    Why did Jesus resurrect Lazarus when all the other people he had resurrected were not his followers?

    ***it-2 p. 785 Resurrection ***

    Because of having been resurrected by his friend Jesus, Lazarus was likely alive Pentecost 33 C.E., when the holy spirit was poured out and the first ones of the heavenly calling (Heb 3:1) were anointed and spirit begotten. (Ac 2:1-4, 33, 38) Lazarus’ resurrection was similar to those performed by Elijah and Elisha. But it probably opened up to Lazarus the opportunity of receiving a resurrection like Christ’s, which he otherwise would not have had. What a remarkable act of love on Jesus’ part!—Joh 11:38-44.

    11. (a) When Jesus cleansed the temple, what

    did he reveal about his Father? (b) Why is the

    account of Jesus’ cleansing of the temple reassuring

    to us?

    11 However, what conclusion do you

    draw from Jesus’ cleansing of the temple?

    Visualize the scene: Jesus made a

    whip of ropes, and he drove out those

    selling cattle and sheep. He scattered

    the coins of the money changers and

    overturned their tables. (John 2:13-17)

    That forceful action made the disciples

    recall the prophetic words of King David:

    “Sheer zeal for your house has eaten

    me up.” (Ps. 69:9) By taking firm action,

    Jesus showed a strong desire to

    defend true worship. Do you see in that

    account the Father’s personality? It reminds

    us that God has not only the unlimited

    power to wipe wickedness from

    the face of the earth but also the ardent

    desire to do so. This depiction of Jesus’

    strong reaction to wrongdoing reveals

    how the Father must feel as he looks

    at the wickedness that is rampant on

    earth today. How reassuring that is to us

    when we are coping with injustices!


    True worship = only jws though, all others will die eternally at Armageddon, all 7 billion men, women and children.

    Wipe wickedness = wipe all non-jws

    12, 13. What can you learn about Jehovah

    from the way Jesus treated his disciples?

    12 Let us consider another example

    —the way Jesus treated his disciples.

    They kept arguing about who was greater.

    (Mark 9:33-35; 10:43; Luke 9:46)

    From his long experience with the Father,

    Jesus knew how Jehovah feels

    about such prideful tendencies. (2 Sam.

    22:28; Ps. 138:6) Moreover, Jesus had

    seen such inclinations manifested by

    Satan the Devil. That egotistic individual

    cared greatly about prominence

    and position. Hence, how grieved Jesus

    must have been to see an ambitious

    attitude continue among the disciples

    he had trained! It was even found

    among the ones he had chosen as apostles!

    They showed an ambitious attitude

    until the very last day of Jesus’ life on

    earth. (Luke 22:24-27) Yet, Jesus kept on

    reproving them with kindness, without

    ever losing hope that they would eventually

    learn to imitate his own humble

    mental attitude.—Phil. 2:5-8.


    So who reproves the elders? Did the apostles learn humility…the jw anointed supposedly are imperfect and somehow the moment they die and go to heaven as spirits, they become perfect and immortal, how is that? The “other sheep” will take 1,000 years before they are even offered eternal life.

    13 Can you see the Father’s hand in

    the way Jesus patiently corrected wrong

    tendencies in his disciples? Do you see

    in Jesus’ actions and words the Father,

    who does not forsake his people despite

    their repeated failures? With that

    knowledge of God’s qualities in mind,

    are we not motivated to approach him to

    express our repentance when we make



    Peter denied Jesus 3 times; was he put on restrictions for a year, no, he was the lead speaker at the first convention of Christians in the first century. What about later when Peter stopped associated with Gentile Christians and was chewed out publicly by Paul?

    What about jws with repeated failures…they are marked as bad association.



    14. How did Jesus show that he was willing to

    reveal his Father?

    14 Many dictators try to keep people

    under control and in ignorance by withholding

    information from them. In contrast,

    Jesus was willing to share the

    information he had about the Father, revealing

    Him fully to others. (Read Matthew

    11:27.) In addition, Jesus gave

    his disciples “intellectual capacity that

    [they might] gain the knowledge of the

    true one,” Jehovah God. (1 John 5:20)

    What does that mean? Jesus opened up

    his followers’ minds so that they could

    understand his teachings about the Father.

    He did not hide his Father in a

    cloud of mystery by teaching that He

    was part of an incomprehensible Trinity.


    Many dictators (the WTS) try to keep people under control and ignorance by withholding (hiding) information from them.

    How many jws think the WTS has CONSISTENTLY taught that the presence of Jesus began in 1914 without realizing that with some digging they will find out that they taught it was 1874 for some time.

    So does the WTS teach that any jws, including anointed jws, get any special help from God or do they have to go through the WTS?

    15. Why did Jesus hold back some information

    about his Father?

    15 Did Jesus reveal everything that he

    knew about his Father? No, he wisely

    held back from sharing many things he

    knew. (Read John 16:12.) Why? Because

    at the time, his disciples were “not able

    to bear” such knowledge. As Jesus explained,

    though, a great deal of knowledge

    would be revealed upon the arrival

    of “the helper,” the holy spirit, that

    would guide them “into all the truth.”

    (John 16:7, 13) Just as wise parents may

    withhold some information from their

    children until the children become old

    enough to understand, so Jesus waited

    until the disciples became mature and

    able to comprehend certain facts about

    the Father. Jesus kindly took into account

    their limitations.


    So does the WTS withhold info from the rank and file? What about the elders’ manual….if it weren’t for the internet, no one would realize that if a person stays overnight unchaperoned with someone of the opposite sex, that they can be df’d for adultery/fornication despite there being no witnesses of the sin.

    Is the WTS our parent or equal to Jesus? Doesn’t the WTS made up of imperfect humans have the limitations as the rank and file?



    16, 17. Why are you in a position to reveal the

    Father to others?

    16 When you come to know someone

    well and appreciate his loving personality,

    are you not moved to tell others

    about him? When on earth, Jesus talked

    about his Father. (John 17:25, 26) Is it

    possible for us to imitate him in revealing

    Jehovah to others?


    Did Jesus saw would reveal God or would his followers be witnesses of Jesus?

    (Acts 1:8) but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de′a and Sa·mar′i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.”

    17 As we have considered, Jesus had

    far deeper knowledge of his Father than

    others did. Yet, he was willing to share

    some of what he knew, even giving his

    followers the intellectual capacity for

    grasping deeper aspects of God’s personality.

    With the help of Jesus, have

    we not come to appreciate our Father in

    a way that most people today do not?

    How grateful we are that Jesus through

    his teachings and conduct willingly revealed

    his Father to us! In fact, we may

    properly boast in knowing the Father.

    (Jer. 9:24; 1 Cor. 1:31) As we have striven

    to draw close to Jehovah, he has drawn

    close to us. (Jas. 4:8) Therefore, we are

    now in a position to share our knowledge

    with others. How can we do that?


    Willing to share SOME…so does the WTS give us “intellectual capacity”

    Boast in knowing Jesus….draw close to Jesus?

    18, 19. In what ways can you reveal the Father

    to others? Explain.

    18 We need to imitate Jesus by revealing

    the Father by our words and deeds.

    Keep in mind that many we meet in

    field service do not know who God is.

    Their view of God may be obscured

    by false teachings. We may share with

    them what we know about God’s name,

    his purpose for humans, and his personality

    as revealed in the Bible. Moreover,

    we may discuss with fellow believers

    some Bible accounts that reveal

    God’s personality in a way that we did

    not appreciate before. That way, they

    too may benefit.


    Many…do not know God..all non-jws even those who think they are Christians

    Revealed in the bible—rather revealed in the WTS publications

    Fellow believers==only jws

    19 How about revealing the Father by

    your conduct as you strive to imitate Jesus?

    When people see in our actions the

    love of Christ, they will be drawn to the

    Father as well as to Jesus. (Eph. 5:1, 2)

    The apostle Paul encouraged us to ‘become

    imitators of him, even as he was

    of Christ.’ (1 Cor. 11:1) What a wonderful

    privilege we have of helping people

    to see Jehovah in the way we conduct

    ourselves! Yes, may we all keep on imitating

    Jesus by revealing the Father to



    I did not see the love of Christ in the actions of jws. Jws shun those with repeated failures or perceived failures by their definitions. See God or Jesus by our conduct, Jesus’ followers were called Christians in the NT.



    Somehow I know David is not going to be used as an example.

    Love, Blondie

  • WTWizard

    Who revealed Jehovah's true character? Even if one believes the LIE-ble and that Jesus existed as a true servant of God, wouldn't Jesus have hid the same things from us that Jehovah did? Right in the LIE-ble itself, Genesis exposes Jehovah as a tyrant that wanted to enslave us all. Holding back knowledge of good and bad served one purpose: It prevented mankind from exploring the possibilities without being directed by Jehovah. And that enabled Jehovah to enslave us all--why else would he issue a death threat against anyone that dared seek this knowledge?

    Now, Satan opened His big mouth. In doing so, He is the One that attempted to liberate you and me from Jehovah's enslavement. Unlike Jesus, Satan actually walked the walk and DID something. Jehovah reacted--he threw a temper tantrum, revealing that he is a Sore Loser. One way or another, Jehovah is going to enslave us--trickery failed, so he will resort to force.

    This pattern continues to this day. Jehovah created the fake messiah Jesus, stolen from ancient legends, to give us false hope and keep us running in circles wasting our time on a false hope. When the real messiah shows up, it will be to enslave us all. Those who did not fall for this scam were tortured, slaughtered, and enslaved in due time during the First Dark Ages. Satan's action continues revealing what kind of monster Jehovah really is, and the LIE-ble giving us false hope to waste our time and keep us afraid of exploring beyond its tight confines. As such, Satan did more to reveal Jehovah's true character than anyone else ever did.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Concluding comment: 'I did not see the love of the Christ in the actions of JWs.'

    How right you are Blondie! The lack of love for our Lord is especially evident in this week’s study article.

    In par 11 a murderer/adulterer Bible character was referred to as the honorable King David. Yet the 2 nd most important personality in the entire universe; the one and only who spilled his life’s blood for us all was referred to as simply ‘Jesus’ 50 times, as ‘Jesus Christ’ 1 time, ‘the Son’ 14 times. Not once as the respected Lord Jesus Christ that he deserves.

    By contrast, it is said that the apostle Paul, in his writings, always speaks of our Savior in a reverent manner, incorporating the word ‘Lord’ in most of his references to Jesus Christ.

    WTBTS, where is the honor and your respect???

  • sseveninches

    It seems strange to me that the WT chose to quote Dr. Walter Martin even though he openly criticizes JW doctrines on his website, only picking what makes the WT look good. I love how they would quickly call me an apostate for doing the same thing.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    1st sentence par 11: 'What conclusion do you draw from Jesus' cleansing of the temple?' (no brainer)

    Answer: That our Lord Jesus Christ does not like the idea of any solicitation or profiteering going on at places of worship such as having ATMs and Debit/Credit cards machines installed at circuit and district conventions for the sole purpose of extracting hard earned money from individuals and families whose sole purpose for being there in the first place is to learn about our Lord and about his Father and to study the Bible.

    After all the account does say that Christ Jesus made a whip of ropes, and he drove out those selling cattle and sheep. He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. On an earlier occasion he told his disciples.....'You received free, give free' (Mat 10:8)

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    On the matter I mentioned earlier where the Society mentions our Ransomer and Redeemer in this article as simply ‘Jesus’ some 50 times and not once as the ‘Lord’: Notice how many times the Christian Greek Bible writers referred to our Savior, incorporating the title ‘Lord’ with a capital ‘L’: Matthew 31 times; Mark 5 times; Luke 46 times; John 38 times; all of Paul’s writings 205 times; the small books of James, 1 st & 2 nd Peter and Jude 21 times.

    It just seems to me that everyone else demonstrates a very high regard for God’s Son in how they address him with the exception of WTBTS.

    Which brings to mind my gardener, whose name by the way (you guessed it) is ‘Jesus’ (pronunciation in Spanish ‘Hay-sus’). Every now and then I’ll hear my wife yell out the window ….’Jesus don’t forget to trim the hedges!’

    Again I say to the WTBTS……Where is your respect??

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    JWGB - thank you very much for your numbers as to how many time the "Lord Jesus Christ" occurs in the Greek Scriptures. Last night I did more Bible reading than I have for a long time as was astounded that it hadn't occurred to me how seldom the WTS refers to him as "Lord" and yet the Bible, even the NWT, uses "Lord Jesus Christ" hundreds of times. The WT claims that they honor Jesus, but I know for a fact that if we were to refer to Jesus as "Lord Jesus" or "Lord Jesus Christ" in everyday conversation or while commenting at meetings, we would soon be under suspicion.

  • Terry

    While no other creature existed,

    the Son basked in the warmth of his Father’s

    attention and learned about Him

    and His qualities. The Father and Son

    must have communicated extensively

    and developed deep affection for each

    other over aeons of time.

    Two floating entities otherwise alone.....drifting through endless nothingness.....with no news to mysteries to solve....nothing to observe....hear...see....learn or describe.......develop "deep affection" over aeons of "time"........with NO EVENTS to mark the passage!

    What an empty observation!

    Minds in space without objects or objectives.....except for each other! Yet, invisible and without accomplishment they manage to entertain one another.

    With what? Jokes?

    About what? Nothing?

    "Two nothings walked into a nothing....."?

    This article projects a relationship founded on pure imagination which contains not even one tiny fact worth repeating. It is all speculative nonsense!

    I can only imagine the "conversation" between the two of them.

    "Hey Dad, what do you want to do? I'm bored!"

    "What does 'do' mean?"

    "Distraction, entertainment....something....ANYTHING but this nothingness that keeps on not happening!"

    "Heck, I don't care. Do whatever you want. I did. That's how you got here."

    "What do you mean, "here"? There is no here!"

    "Stop complaining and DO something, then!"

    " about I make shiny gaseous objects and hang them around so that we'll have something to look at? Twirly things. They could spin and tilt and go roundy roundy round...."

    "Ugh. I dunno. Do as you please."

    "...or, I could maybe do what you did and make more of....ummm.....US!"

    "Wuh---what? That could lead to overcrowding and disagreement. Better make them inferior so that you can manage them!"

    "Yep--good idea. I'll make androgynous nothing-guys that repeat praises constantly! They'll just affirm and a do whatever they're told!"

    "It might be fun.....until they get bored too....." began!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks Blondie, for trying to make sense out of that WT mess.

    Great observation Terry You've opened the heavens to us.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Bonnie_Clyde: ' I know for a fact that if we were to refer to Jesus as "Lord Jesus" or "Lord Jesus Christ" in everyday conversation or while commenting at meetings, we would soon be under suspicion.'

    Ya hit the nail on the head with that one BC!

    I have read where Blondie has often commented how the WT rarely will mention Jesus Christ in many of their writings. And when they do mention God’s Son they treat Him as a ‘second class citizen’ as they do in this lesson.

    WT can take a lesson from the apostle John and how so eloquently and appreciatively he says at Rev 1:4: “………..May you have undeserved kindness and peace from.... Jesus Christ, the “Faithful Witness”, “The firstborn from the dead,” and “The Ruler of the kings of the earth”. To him that loves us and that loosed us from our sins by means of his own blood—……yes, to him be the glory and the might forever. Amen.”

    Can you imagine what the elders and rank and file would think of a member who refers to our Savior in this respectful manner while making a comment during a Q and A discussion? They'd think he was a 'Jesus Freak'!

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